PC DOS: Err Msg: Notice 127 Private Folder Index Missing

ID: Q104365

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, version 3.0


When a user tries to access a folder in version 3.0 Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, MS-DOS workstation, by selecting Options, Folders, Modify (or Delete or Storage), View, the following error message may be displayed:

Notice 127 Private folder index missing


This error occurs when the FOLDERS\LOC\xxxxxxxx subdirectory of the Mail database is missing the xxxxxxxx.IDX file.


To resolve this problem, restore the file from backup. However, if a backup copy of the .IDX file is not available, you can run the FIXIDX utility to build xxxxxxxx.IDX file from the folder files.

NOTE: Using the FIXIDX utility will result in loss of folder names. However, if the .FLD files are also unavailable, the administrator must reset Folder privileges for the user.

To reset Folder privileges, start the Administrator program. Select Local-Admin, Folders, Reset, and select the user from the list. This will delete all references to the user's old folders. The user can now rebuild the folders from scratch.

The FIXIDX.EXE utility is available as part of the Database Maintenance Utilities document. To obtain the document containing the Database Maintenance Utilities, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q99419 PC DB: Database Maintenance Utilities (Complete)


To determine the user's 8-digit ID, use the USRDMP or LISTUSER utility.

Additional query words: 3.00 errmsg

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 7, 1999
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