ATT: Running SMTPGET and SMTPPUT Manually

ID: Q104425

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail Gateway to AT&T, version 1.0


Version 1.0 of the Microsoft Mail Gateway to AT&T is based on the Microsoft Mail File Format Application Program Interface (FFAPI). FFAPI is used to place mail messages into and extract messages from the Microsoft Mail for PC Networks postoffice. The gateway uses the FFAPI executables common to the SMTP gateway because they both require the same SMTP addressing components and mail queues.


The SMTPGET.EXE and SMTPPUT.EXE executable files are spawned by the AT&T gateway executable using the following command lines:

smtpput -f1 -h -l\attgate\log.txt mmff.put

smtpget -f1 -h -j -l\attgate\l\log.txt mmff.get
Both the MMFF.PUT and MMFF.GET files are placed in the ATTGATE\MMFF subdirectory on the Microsoft Mail postoffice. They are in an ASCII text file that contains the complete mail message in FFAPI format.

NOTE: This is a good test to use when trying to determine if a problem with the gateway is caused by FFAPI executables or the gateway executables themselves. It is a good starting place for mail and database issues.


File Format Application Program; Interface AT&T to Microsoft Mail Gateway Technical Manual.

Additional query words: 1.00 File Format API

Keywords :
Version : :1.0
Platform :
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Last Reviewed: January 14, 2000
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