PC MAPI: C Equivalent to MAPI APPEXEC.TXT in MS Visual Basic
ID: Q105962
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Mail for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b, 3.2
The Microsoft C code fragment below shows how to call application
programming interface (API) functions in the APPEXEC.DLL file, which is
included on the version 3.0 and 3.2 Microsoft Mail for PC Networks
Technical Reference disk, to access the information in the PARAMBLK
structure. The APPEXEC.TXT file, which is also included on the Microsoft
Mail for PC Networks Technical Reference disk, includes only Microsoft
Visual Basic code that calls APPEXEC.DLL.
The steps below describe how to access the PARAMBLK structure. This is also
described in the APPEXEC.TXT file. After obtaining the MessageID returned
by GetMessageID(), you can use Messaging API (MAPI) from versions 3.0 and
3.2 of Microsoft Mail for PC Networks to access information on the mail
message correlating to the MessageID. This program was written using
Microsoft Visual C++ version 1.0.
The code below shows that to access the PARAMBLK structure, your code must
do the following:
- Obtain the hexadecimal memory handle from the command line of your
- Convert the hexadecimal handle into an integer.
- Call the Windows API GlobalRealloc() function to copy the PARAMBLK
structure into your application's memory.
- Call the APPEXEC API ReleaseSemaphore() function to tell APPEXEC
you have copied the PARAMBLK structure.
- Call the APPEXEC API CrackParameterBlock() and GetMessageID()
functions to obtain the wCommand and MessageID information from the
PARAMBLK structure.
Sample Code Fragment
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <appexec.h>
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hinstCurrent, HINSTANCE hinstPrevious,
LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
char szBuf[ 128 ];
char szHandle[ 128 ];
BOOL fVal;
HGLOBAL ghParamBlk;
// procedure to pull messageID
if( *lpCmdLine ) {
wsprintf( szHandle, "0x%s", lpCmdLine );
ghParamBlk = (HGLOBAL)strtol( szHandle, '\0', 16 );
ghParamBlk = GlobalReAlloc( ghParamBlk, 0, GMEM_MODIFY |GMEM_MOVEABLE
fVal = CrackParameterBlock( ghParamBlk, CPB_wCommand, &dw, szBuf );
if( fVal == 0 )
goto ErrorStarting;
fVal = CrackParameterBlock( ghParamBlk, CPB_wMessageIDCount, &dw,
if( fVal == 0 || dw != 1 )
goto ErrorStarting;
fVal = GetMessageID( ghParamBlk, 0, szBuf );
if( fVal == 0 )
goto ErrorStarting;
goto ErrorStarting;
MessageBox( 0, szBuf, "Message ID", MB_OK );
return 0;
MessageBox( 0, "Unable to get Message ID", "Error", MB_OK );
return 1;
Additional query words:
3.00 3.00b 3.20
Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0b,3.2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :