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SUMMARYMicrosoft Mail Gateway to PROFS transfers messages between the IBM PROFS mail system and the Microsoft Mail system by means of the 3270 emulation software that runs on the gateway computer in conjunction with the VMGATE.EXE program. MORE INFORMATION
Messages are either sent to the host or received from the host. VMGATE
works in conjunction with the 3270 emulator to transfer messages
between the VM host and the Microsoft Mail environment.
Send Maildata path:\VMGATE\PROFSIN.DAT PROFSIN CSI A (lrecl 80 recfm FSEND.EXE transfers messages to the VM host side of the gateway, where it is processed and routed to the intended users. The VMGATE program polls the host screen session, displaying "PROFS: idle" on the host screen if there are no messages to be transferred; if there are messages, VMGATE displays "PROFS:ready," then suspends itself and spawns the Receive program, using the following hard-coded command line: Receive maildata path:\VMGATE\PROFSOUT.DAT PROFSOUT $MESSAGE A Additional query words: 3.00 profs gateway vmgate emulators
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