FFAPI: Understanding FFAPI Error Message Format

ID: Q118533

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail Software Development Kit: FFAPI for Gateways and Applications, version 3.0


This article explains Microsoft Mail File Format API (FFAPI) error message formatting. Formats indicate the message and line number that caused problems with a FFAPI operation.

Errors appear in this format:

xxx-yyy-zzz Text describing the error


xxx = The error number, which is explained in the FFAPI SDK manual.

yyy = The position number of the message in the MMF file that FFAPI was operating on at the time.

zzz = The message line-number that produced the problem.

For example, here is a common error:

141-1-2 Cannot match token TO (has tail net/po/mailbox)

141 = cannot match token < > (has tail < >)
1 = the first message in the MMF file
2 = the second line of the message

The most common reason for this error is unsuccessful FFAPI parsing due to the presence of an incorrect "end of line" marker. See -f parameter for more information on this particular error.


"Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, Software Development Kit Gateway File Format API"

Additional query words: 3.00 ffapi error

Keywords : MailGWFFAPI
Version : MS-DOS:3.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 6, 1999
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