PC Forms: Working with Multiple-Selection List Boxes
ID: Q119562
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, versions 3.0, 3.2
Microsoft Electronic Forms Designer, version 1.0
When you create a custom form using Microsoft Electronic Forms Designer,
the selected items in a multiple-selection list box are not automatically
written to the electronic form (E-form) package. Therefore, the selected
lines do not appear in the list box on the Read form.
The WriteTaggedControls function does not include code to automatically
package a multiple-selection list box. You can, however, add code to the
WriteMessage and ReadMessage functions so the selected items in a multiple-
selection list box are transferred to the Read form.
The following example shows the code that should be added to each function.
- Add the following code to the WriteMessage function in the EFORM.BAS
file. Note the comments that describe the various steps.
'Declare the variables
Dim n As Integer
Dim theText As String
Dim theTotal As Long
'Process the list, writing each item to the package using a unique
("List0". "List1", etc.)
theTotal = 0
For n = 0 To (frmCompose.lstColor.ListCount - 1)
If frmCompose.lstColor.Selected(n) = True Then
theText = frmCompose.List1.List(n)
MEFWriteText gPackage, "List" & Str$(theTotal), theText
theTotal = theTotal + 1
End If
'Write the number of items to the package
MEFWriteLong gPackage, "theTotal", theTotal
- Add the following code to the ReadMessage function to unpackage the
'Declare variables
Dim n As Integer
Dim theTotal As Long
'Find the number of items in the list by reading the package.
theTotal = MEFReadLong(gPackage, "theTotal", 0)
'Read in each of the items and add it to the list using AddItem
For n = 0 To theTotal
frmRead.lstColor.AddItem MEFReadText(gPackage, "List" & Str$(n), "")
Additional query words:
1.00 e-forms eforms multiple selection list box multiselect
Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,3.0,3.2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :