PC Forms: Working with Multiple-Selection List Boxes

ID: Q119562

1.00 WINDOWS kbprg
The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, versions 3.0, 3.2
  • Microsoft Electronic Forms Designer, version 1.0


When you create a custom form using Microsoft Electronic Forms Designer, the selected items in a multiple-selection list box are not automatically written to the electronic form (E-form) package. Therefore, the selected lines do not appear in the list box on the Read form.


The WriteTaggedControls function does not include code to automatically package a multiple-selection list box. You can, however, add code to the WriteMessage and ReadMessage functions so the selected items in a multiple- selection list box are transferred to the Read form.

The following example shows the code that should be added to each function.

  1. Add the following code to the WriteMessage function in the EFORM.BAS file. Note the comments that describe the various steps.
    'Declare the variables
       Dim n As Integer
       Dim theText As String
       Dim theTotal As Long
       'Process the list, writing each item to the package using a unique
        ("List0". "List1", etc.)
       theTotal = 0
       For n = 0 To (frmCompose.lstColor.ListCount - 1)
          If frmCompose.lstColor.Selected(n) = True Then
            theText = frmCompose.List1.List(n)
            MEFWriteText gPackage, "List" & Str$(theTotal), theText
            theTotal = theTotal + 1
          End If
       'Write the number of items to the package
       MEFWriteLong gPackage, "theTotal", theTotal 

  2. Add the following code to the ReadMessage function to unpackage the data:
    'Declare variables
       Dim n As Integer
       Dim theTotal As Long
       'Find the number of items in the list by reading the package.
       theTotal = MEFReadLong(gPackage, "theTotal", 0)
       'Read in each of the items and add it to the list using AddItem
       For n = 0 To theTotal
          frmRead.lstColor.AddItem MEFReadText(gPackage, "List" & Str$(n), "")

Additional query words: 1.00 e-forms eforms multiple selection list box multiselect

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,3.0,3.2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: July 22, 1999
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