PC MTA: Read Error During Data Exchange

ID: Q122152

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, version 3.2


A read error may appear in the SESSION.LOG file as well as on the screen when the Message Transfer Agent (MTA) in version 3.20 of Microsoft Mail for PC Networks is started on an X.25 network (COMMTYPE=X25EICON in EXTERNAL.INI) with the -l -v -q command line parameters. The read error includes three numbers that identify the cause of the error, the diagnostic code, and the Eicon network error: 00 00 0A.

The error occurs after a data exchange when the calling MTA issues a clear request and then mishandles the following clear confirm response. The error causes no problems and can be ignored.

NOTE: The read error may be a real error; if so, it will be followed by a specific error which will usually end the data exchange. The cause or diagnostic codes may still be set to zero.


Below are two examples of SESSION.LOG files. The first example shows the minor problem detailed above. The second shows a real read error which should be further trouble-shooted. The nature of the two read errors can be differentiated by the other messages nearby in the SESSION.LOG.

Bogus Read Error

cubs  03-06-93 14:51 SOXNET/SOX: Queued 1 item of mail to send.
cubs  03-06-93 14:51 Calling: SOXNET/SOX
cubs  03-06-93 14:51 Call Remote DTE
cubs  03-06-93 14:51 Call Local DTE
cubs  03-06-93 14:51 Call User Data
cubs  03-06-93 14:51 Call Facilities
cubs  03-06-93 14:51 Message transmission start.
cubs  03-06-93 14:52 Message transmission complete.Bytes transmitted: 669
cubs  03-06-93 14:52 -- Closing connection  --
cubs  03-06-93 14:52 Read Error
cubs  03-06-93 14:52 00 00 0a
cubs  03-06-93 14:52 Listen Local DTE 

Real Read Error

sox   05-19-93 17:29 Read Error
sox   05-19-93 17:29 00 00 0a
sox   05-19-93 17:29 ? >>> Lost carrier
sox   05-19-93 17:29 Connection end.Disconnection.
sox   05-19-93 17:29 -- Closing connection  -- 

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: October 27, 1999
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