PC MMTA: Err Msg: Unable To Find File: DYNSCOS2

ID: Q125919

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail Multitasking MTA, version 3.2
  • Microsoft Mail Multitasking MTA for Windows NT, version 3.5


When you run the Mail Multitasking MTA for OS/2 (MMTA) or the Mail Multitasking MTA for Windows NT (NTMMTA) that runs under the OS/2 subsytem, from a Windows NT version 3.5 computer, the following error may occur:

Unable to find file: DYNSCOS2
The error indicates the MMTA is unable to locate its own DLLs.


When you run the MMTA on OS/2, a specific path for the MMTA .DLL files in CONFIG.SYS is required. For example,

Because Windows NT looks for system environment variables in the registry, the MMTA DLL path must be added to the key below:

\Control\Session Manager\Environment


The environment key will have the following entry by default:

Copy the DYNCSOS2.DLL to the \system32\os2\dll directory, or append the path to where the DLL is located.

The MMTA DLL path can be appended to the end of the statement:
To append the MMTA DLL path in Windows NT 3.5, do the following:
  1. At the Windows NT workstation running the MMTA, open the Control Panel.

  2. Select the System applet.

  3. Under the System Environment Variables field, select the Os2LibPath= statement.

  4. At the bottom of the System window, append the MMTA DLL path to the line in the Value: field. Click the SET button to save.

Once the MMTA DLL path has been added, re-boot the Windows NT workstation to implement the change.



Additional query words: 3.20 Windows NT

Keywords : MailPCMMTA
Version : :3.2,3.5
Platform : OS/2 WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 3, 1999
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