PC Mac DB: Purpose and Location of LOWRCASE.GLB

ID: Q127079

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, version 3.2
    on the following platforms: MACINTOSH


If a LOWRCASE.GLB file exists in the GLB directory, all files created by version 3.0.3 of Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, Macintosh workstation will be created with lowercase filenames.

NOTE: The file LOWRCASE.GLB is not included with the product or with the self-extracting file MACLIENT.HQX or MACLIENT.SEA, available on the Microsoft Software Library (MSL).

Some network operating systems will not allow a file to be created in all uppercase letters. Version 3.0.3 (or later) of the Macintosh client file has been modified for these types of networks to allow the client to create filenames in lowercase letters if LOWRCASE.GLB exists in the GLB subdirectory of the Mail postoffice.


This file must be manually created, either by copying an existing file or creating a new file with the name LOWRCASE.GLB in the GLB subdirectory of the Mail for PC Networks postoffice.

To create the file LOWRCASE.GLB, change to the GLB subdirectory of the postoffice and type:

copy populate.msm lowrcase.glb

Additional query words: 3.20

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 13, 1999
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