X400: TP4 Stack Not Compatible with WFWG MS-DOS Client

ID: Q127728

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail Gateway to X.400, version 3.2


The Microsoft Mail Gateway to X.400 may hang upon startup and display the following:

Gateway initializing...


The TP4 stack provided by the Microsoft Mail Gateway to X.400 is not compatible with the Windows for Workgroups MS-DOS client drivers.


Use the Microsoft LAN Manager version 2.2c drivers with TP4. These drivers are supplied with Windows NT version 3.5 (CD).


The MS-DOS client drivers use IFSHLP.SYS to load network software. This assumes that the drivers will be loaded when NET START is called.

For the TP4 stack to work properly, it needs to load a Data Link Interface (DLI.DOS) driver in CONFIG.SYS. Then TP4 requires the TP4 stack (TP4.EXE) to get loaded before a NET START.

Additional query words: 3.20

Keywords :
Version : MS-DOS:3.2
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 8, 1999
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