MHS: Long User Names Conflict with -SF Switch

ID: Q128440

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail Gateway to MHS, version 3.0


If administrators use the -SF (Simple Format addressing) switch they will need to insure that all MSMail mailbox id's are no longer than 8 characters.


MHS only supports sending to 8 character user names. MSMail names longer than 8 characters can normally be included in the extended address field. The -SF switch disables the extended address field.


If administrators need to use the -sf switch and disable extended addressing they must ensure that all MSMail mailbox id's are 8 characters or less.

Additional query words: 3.00

Keywords :
Version : MS-DOS:3.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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