MHS: Mail Stops Moving Between Microsoft Mail and MHS

ID: Q128443

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail Gateway to MHS, version 3.0


After you install Lotus cc:Mail gateway, mail stops moving between Microsoft Mail and MHS.


The MHS Directory Manager cycles and checks the cc:Mail gateway first, and runs INPOST.EXE. Because INPOST.EXE is a Microsoft utility, it reads the waiting messages from the MHS gateway queue. These messages are queued in the MHS\MAIL\GATES\<cc:Mail>\IN directory. The cc:Mail gateway supports SMF 64. INPOST.EXE puts messages into SMF 70. After running INPOST.EXE, the MHS Directory Manager can not read the messages because they are in the wrong place and in the wrong format for cc:Mail.


To correct this problem, copy INPOST.EXE and OUTPOST.EXE (included with the Microsoft Mail gateway) to the MHS\MAIL\GATES\<cc:Mail>\PUBLIC directory.

Additional query words: 3.00

Keywords : MailGWMHS
Version : MS-DOS:3.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 10, 1999
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