PC MMTA: OS/2 Version 1.3 Installation Issues
ID: Q129201
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Mail Multitasking MTA, version 3.2
When you install the OS/2 version 1.3 system software (included with the
Mail Multitasking version 3.2), and you encounter an error, the most likely
cause is a system or hardware problem.
Below are three examples of the most common errors, along with their causes
and solutions.
SYS1733 error
This error message may be displayed during installation. A SYS1733
occurs because the country information file A:\COUNTRY.SYS is
incorrect; the system has stopped.
This error explanation is likely misleading as it rarely explains
the cause.
See the Cause section below for likely reasons for this error.
Fdisk Unsuccessful or Cannot Locate Fixed Disk Drive errors
One or both of these errors occur when the hard drive and/or
adapter require a .BID file not included on the Installation
disks A and B.
Looping on reboot after installation
After you install OS/2 and reboot your system, the computer reboots in
an infinite loop until you insert a bootable floppy.
SYS1733 error
The error stems from a hardware configuration problem. Known causes are:
- Misconfigured CMOS for the floppy disk drives.
- Missing one of two floppy disk drives, but CMOS states both exist.
- Incorrect SCSI configurations.
- Fdisk Unsuccessful or Cannot Locate Fixed Disk
The installation requires a special .BID file not included with the
OS/2 installation disks A and B. A BID file is a Layered Device Driver
Architecture (LADDR) driver for hard drives and adapters. Some PC
computer hardware manufacturers require a proprietary .BID file.
- Looping on reboot after installation
The most likely cause is selecting the wrong mouse driver during the
installation process.
SYS1733 error
To see if your CMOS is configured incorrectly, check your computer's
BIOS setup parameters and verify they match the drives physically
installed. To see if you have a misconfigured SCSI adapter card check
the card's settings against the documented settings in the adapter's
installation manual.
- Fdisk Unsuccessful or Cannot Locate Fixed Disk errors
To resolve the error and complete installation, try the following steps:
- If you used Installation Disk A to boot the PC, try Installation
Disk B and vice versa. This will insure that all .BID files have
been tried and tested.
- Contact the disk adapter manufacturer and request a .BID file for the
adapter model. Once the .BID file is obtained you must:
- Make a copy of your Installation disk A
- Delete all the .BID files on the disk A copy
- Copy the new .BID file to the disk A copy
- Rename the new file to BOOTBID.BID.
- Reboot the computer with the newly modified Installation disk
and proceed with installing OS/2.
- Looping on reboot after installation
Reboot OS/2 using the Installation disk and select the appropriate
mouse driver for your configuration. If the problem persists, edit
the CONFIG.SYS and remark out the suspect mouse driver as shown:
Reboot the OS/2 computer.
The information in this article only pertains to Microsoft's OS/2 version
1.3, included with the Microsoft Mail Multitasking MTA version 3.2.
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Version : :3.2
Platform :
Issue type :