PC NTMMTA: Err Msg: Unable to Find Specified Instance INI...
ID: Q130396
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Mail Multitasking MTA for Windows NT, version 3.5
When you monitor an instance of External using the Microsoft Mail
Multitasking MTA for Windows NT (NT MMTA), the following error may occur:
Unable to Find Specified Instance INI Section
External cannot read the EXTERNAL.INI file. One possible cause is that the
EXTERNAL.INI file was saved as a Unicode file.
Another possible cause for this error may be a missing instance name in the
EXTERNAL.INI file. The instance name is required.
Save the EXTERNAL.INI as a text file.
Add an Instance name to the EXTERNAL.INI file by doing the following:
- The correct Instance Name was selected from the Mail Service Manager
(MSVMGR32.EXE) Edit Service dialog box. If not, either delete and
recreate the service from the Microsoft Mail Service Manager dialog
box, or change the settings in the EXTERNAL.INI.
- The Instance Name field in the Edit Service dialog box does not contain
External -. The Instance Name field should only contain the actual
instance name. For example,
[External - RemoteUsr1]
In this example RemoteUsr1 is the instance name in the EXTERNAL.INI.
This should be the entry in the Instance Name field in the Edit Service
dialog box. The simplest way to ensure that this is entered correctly
when you create the service in the Create Service dialog box is to:
- Click the Edit INI... button to open the EXTERNAL.INI file.
- Highlight the service name in the EXTERNAL.INI file as explained
- Copy the highlighted text to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C.
- Go back to the Create Service dialog box and click the Instance
Name field.
- Press Ctrl+V to paste the text from the clipboard to the Instance
Name field.
For MONITOR.EXE to run properly from the Monitor button from Microsoft Mail
Service Manager, the EXTERNAL.INI settings must be correct. Monitor will
flash an error message briefly, then disappear. MONITOR.EXE is installed by
default in the \WINNT35 directory.
The Service Manager will allow you to create an External or Dispatch
instance without an Instance name specified. These instances can not be
run, and when the External or Dispatch instance is launched without an
Instance name, the service will appear to start, but no mail is delivered.
Also, if a Monitor is started it will flash on the screen quickly and then
Additional query words:
Keywords : MailPCNTMMTA
Version : :3.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :