PC NTMMTA: Cannot Browse Service Accounts on NT Server

ID: Q130512

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail Multitasking MTA for Windows NT, version 3.5


When you create a service in Service Manager, and if you press the Browse button on the Service Account line, the Add Users and Groups dialog box will not appear. The Create Service screen border will blink (change colors), and nothing else will happen.


The browse button will not allow browsing of a server account database. If the computer is logged into a domain, then browsing will display users in the domain account database. If it is part of a workgroup, the account needs to be entered manually.


To enter a user from the server account database, type in the service account. For example, in the Create Service dialog box, the Service Account option would be WORKSTATION\USERNAME.

Additional query words: 3.50

Keywords : MailPCNTMMTA
Version : :3.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 6, 1999
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