PC Adm: Only Local-Admin Menu Is Available in ADMIN.EXE

ID: Q132743

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, versions 3.2, 3.2a, 3.5


When you run version 3.x of Microsoft Mail for PC Networks Administrator's program (ADMIN.EXE), the Local-Admin menu may only be available.


This occurs if you attempt to run the ADMIN.EXE program against a postoffice created with Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.1x.

These postoffices do not allow External mail transfer, Directory Synchronization (Dir-Sync), or many other functions found in a full version 3.2x or 3.5 postoffice. Because these features are not available, the External-Admin and other menus are not necessary.

Additional query words: 3.20 3.50

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.2,3.2a,3.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 6, 1999
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