CONN: DocErr: EXTERNAL.EXE and Manual Dir-Sync

ID: Q134382

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail Connection for PC and AppleTalk Networks, version 3.2


In version 3.2 of the Microsoft Mail Connection Gateway Release Notes, page 18, steps 3 and 9 for performing a manual directory synchronization are missing.


To perform a manual directory synchronization at the directory server postoffice:

  1. Type the following; then press ENTER:
    reqmain -t -ddrive

  2. Type the following; then press ENTER:
    external -0 -ddrive -ms -mr -v -a
    This transfers the mail into the outbound queue for the Directory Synchronization (Dir-Sync) server. Use the Administrator program on each requestor postoffice to check the queue for the Dir-Sync server postoffice. There should be at least two $SYSTEM messages in the queue. One will be a status report; the other will have a subject line that looks like the following
    $SYSTEM ReqTx R=R# (was r#), S = S#, I = I# ## sent

  3. Type the following; then press ENTER:
    external -0 -ddrive -ms -mr -v -a
    The External Mail program actually delivers the outgoing Dir-Sync mail. If you are using a gateway as the MTA, type the appropriate gateway command to deliver the message.

  4. Type the following; then press ENTER:
    srvmain -r -ddrive

  5. To confirm that Mail for AppleTalk Networks addresses were received, compare the file size and time stamp of the MSTTRANS.GLB file before and after you run SRVMAIN.

  6. Type the following; then press ENTER:
    srvmain -t -ddrive
    This puts AppleTalk Mail addresses into a $SYSTEM message file in the P1 directory.

  7. Check for a file in the P1 directory.

  8. Type the following; then press ENTER:
    External -a -0 -ddrive
    This command again moves the mail to the outbound queues. The server's queues for the requestor postoffices should show the following $SYSTEM message:
    $SYSTEM SrvTx R=R# S=S# (was s#) I = I# ## sent

  9. Type the following; then press ENTER:
    External -a -0 -ddrive
    This moves the P1 file into the postoffice incoming message queue. The P1 file should disappear from the P1 directory after you run External.

    This delivers the updates to the requestor postoffices. If a gateway is used as the MTA, type the appropriate command to deliver the messages.

  10. Type the following; then press ENTER:
    reqmain -r -ddrive
    This moves the addresses from the $SYSTEM message into the SRVTRANS.GLB file.

  11. Type the following; then press ENTER:
    import admin -ppassword -q -y -ddrive
    This moves addresses from the SRVTRANS.GLB file into a temporary transaction file and into the USR and NME files. After you run Import, the AppleTalk Mail addresses should appear in the Postoffice Address List (POL), but not in the Global Address List (GAL).

  12. Type the following; then press ENTER:
    rebuild -f -ddrive
    This rebuilds the GAL. After you run Rebuild, the AppleTalk Mail addresses should appear in the GAL.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q96060 WA0725: Directory Synchronization (Dir-Sync)

Additional query words: 3.20

Keywords : MailGWConn
Version : :3.2
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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