PC NTMMTA: Err Msg: Setup Has Encountered a Problem...
ID: Q139498
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Mail Multitasking MTA for Windows NT, version 3.5
When you run the Microsoft Windows NT Multitasking MTA (MMTA) Setup program
over the network, you may get the following error message:
Setup has encountered a problem.
Please report file='COMMON\LIST1.C', Line='1013' to Microsoft
Product Support Services.
The Setup program is expecting the location of the Microsoft Windows NT
server agent programs to be C:\MAILEXE. The error occurs because of other
types of input formats of the network drive paths.
For example, assume the N drive is mapped to \\SERVER NAME\MAILEXE share:
- If you enter the Mailexe path as N or N:, it is not accepted. A
dialog box with the following text will be displayed:
The path entered is invalid.
- If you enter the Mailexe path as N:\, it will be accepted, and Setup
will fail with the above error message.
- If you enter the Mailexe path as N:\MAILEXE, it will be accepted;
however, the Setup program will create a new subdirectory under the
Mailexe subdirectory. In this case, the executables will be installed
into C:\MAILEXE\MAILEXE of the NT MMTA machine.
- Share the parent directory that includes the \MAILEXE sudirectory, and
map a drive to that share. For example, map a drive N to the share C:\
of the machine that will host the NT MMTA.
- Enter the \MAILEXE path as N:\MAILEXE.
The same error message may be reported when you try to run the Setup
program from within Microsoft Windows 95. For additional information,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q135733 Errors Installing on Unsupported Platforms
Additional query words:
3.20 windows nt 3.51
Keywords : MailPCNTMMTA
Version : :3.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :