PC MAPI: Sample VB Code to Send a Message

ID: Q140447

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, versions 3.0, 3.2, 3.5


The Simple Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) includes functions that allow developers to logon, send, and logoff of Microsoft Mail programmatically. The following Microsoft Visual Basic code illustrates successful calls to these functions.


The following Microsoft Visual Basic code uses:

  • MAPILogOn function to initiate a mail session or run with an existing session if one exists.

  • MAPIRecip structure to set up the recipients of the mail message.

  • MAPIMessage structure to set up the content of the mail message.

  • MAPISendMail function to send the message.

  • MAPILogOff function to end the mail session.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure a MAPI declaration module, such as MAPILIB.BAS, is included in the project.

'Example VB code of sending mail via Simple MAPI using MAPI.DLL:

'*********** Important ******************************
'make sure MAPILIB.BAS or a module that contains
'MAPI functions declaration is already included in the project

' *************************************************
'        Simple MAPI Declarations
' *************************************************
' Set up the message structure and recipient structures
Dim M As MAPIMessage      ' dimension new message structure
Dim Mo As MapiRecip      ' dimension originator structure
M.RecipCount = 1&      ' set RecipCount property of new message to
 be 1
M.FileCount = 0&      ' set FileCount property of new message to be
MsgId$ = ""         ' set MsgID string to ""
MsgType$ = "IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note"   'set MsgType string to default MS
 Mail type
M.Reserved = 0&      ' set Reserved property of new message to be 0&
M.MessageType = MsgType$   ' set MessageType property of new message to
 be MsgType$
M.DateReceived = ""      ' set DateReceived property of new message to
 be ""
M.Flags = 0&         ' set Flags property of new message to be 0&
ReDim mr(0 To 0) As MapiRecip   ' dimension recipient array structure for 1
 recipient only
ReDim MF(0 To 0) As MapiFile   ' dimension file attachment array structure
MF(0).Reserved = 0&      ' set Reserved property of file structure to
 be 0&
MF(0).Flags = 0&      ' set Flags property of file structure to be
MF(0).Position = -1      ' set Position property of file structure to
 be -1
MF(0).FileType = ""      ' set FileType property of file structure to
 be ""
'You may not need this if a session already is established
'i.e. Mail or S+ is running.
' **************************************************
' Login and start the MAPI Session
' **************************************************
rc& = MAPILogon(Form1.hWnd, "", "", MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0&, lhSession&)
     MsgBox "Error logging in"
End If
' you can replace InputBoxes with strings of text to eliminate the need of
M.Subject = InputBox("Enter a subject line:")
M.NoteText = InputBox("Enter some body text:")
aPathName$ = InputBox("Enter a file to attach:")
If Trim(aPathName$) <> "" Then
    MF(0).PathName = aPathName$
    MF(0).FileName = InputBox("Enter the file name to include as:")
    M.FileCount = 1
    MF(0).PathName = ""
    MF(0).FileName = ""
    M.FileCount = 0
End If

'You can replace the InputBox with a full name
who = InputBox("Enter a recipient's alias: ")
If Not IsEmpty(who) Then
    mr(0).Name = who
    mr(0).RecipClass = MAPI_TO
    X = MAPIResolveName(lhSession&, 0, mr(0).Name, MAPI_DIALOG, 0, mr(0))
        MsgBox ("The address for this message is not valid.")
        Screen.MousePointer = 0
        rc& = MAPILogoff(lhSession&, 0&, 0&, 0&)
        If rc& <> SUCCESS_SUCCESS Then MsgBox "Error logging off """
        rc& = MAPISendmail(lhSession&, Form1.hWnd, M, mr(0), MF(0),
        If rc& <> SUCCESS_SUCCESS Then MsgBox "Error sending message"
        rc& = MAPILogoff(lhSession&, 0&, 0&, 0&)
        If rc& <> SUCCESS_SUCCESS Then MsgBox "Error logging off """
    End If
        rc& = MAPILogoff(lhSession&, 0&, 0&, 0&)
        If rc& <> SUCCESS_SUCCESS Then MsgBox "Error logging off """
End If

Additional query words: 3.50

Keywords : MailPCMAPI
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.2,3.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: October 26, 1999
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