Microsoft Phone Does Not Translate Letters to Numbers

ID: Q153438

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Phone, version 1.0


Microsoft Phone may incorrectly dial a phone number that contains letters.


Microsoft Phone does not translate letters into corresponding DTMF tones if the "Use country code and area code" check box in the Dialing Options dialog box is not selected.


In the Dialing Options dialog box, click the "Use country code and area code" check box to select it. This setting causes Microsoft Phone to translate letters into the corresponding DTMF tones needed to place a call. For example, the phone number 425-936-ABCD would be translated to 425-936-2223.


If the "Use country code and area code" check box is not selected, Microsoft Phone interprets letters in a phone number literally. For example, the phone number 425-555-ABCD would be dialed as 425-555-ABCD, which would result in the call not being completed because there are no tones assigned to the letters "ABCD."

Additional query words: 95 1.00 tazz

Keywords : win95
Version : :1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: October 28, 1999
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