How to Use the Microsoft Mail for PC Networks Serializer

ID: Q182309

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, versions 3.2, 3.2a, 3.5


This article describes how to use the Microsoft Mail Post Office Serialization utility in conjunction with the Microsoft Select CD Program.


The Serializer utility must be installed from the disk on which it is furnished to a hard disk. The following Caution is taken from the Select CD documentation:

CAUTION: You must install the Serializer program on a local hard disk. Do not install the Serializer program on a network drive or path, on a RAM drive, or on a virtual drive. Attempting to install the Serializer program on a network drive or path will result in incorrect Serializer operation and loss of serial number range.

To install the Serial.exe program on a hard disk:

  1. Place the disk in drive A.

  2. At the MS-DOS prompt for the disk drive, type SERIAL and press ENTER.

  3. Select Install/Uninstall Serializer to Another Location by pressing the UP or DOWN arrow keys, and then press ENTER. A Serializer message appears, warning that the copy of Serial.exe in the current location will be deleted and prompting you as to whether you want to continue.

  4. Type Y and press ENTER.

  5. Type the complete path to the new location, including the drive letter. This location must already exist. The Serial.exe program will not create subdirectories. The program copies itself to the specified location and deletes the old copy.

  6. To exit Serial.exe, press ENTER or ESC on the main menu.

To uninstall the Serial.exe program from the hard disk, use the same procedure, substituting the hard drive location in step 1 above and entering A:\ for the new path location (step 5).

To serialize an MS Mail (PC) disk created using the Select CD program, do the following:
  1. Create disk #1 from the Select CD user interface.

  2. Exit Windows completely and start the computer in the MS-DOS mode.

  3. Change the hard disk drive location to the place where the Serial.exe program was stored.

  4. Type Serial at the MS-DOS prompt and press ENTER.

  5. Select Serialize Setup Diskette using the UP and DOWN arrow keys and press ENTER.

  6. Type the letter of the drive that contains the Server 1 Setup disk to be serialized and press ENTER. The Serializer program asks whether you want to reserialize the disk. An unserialized copy of the Server 1 disk contains a serial number placeholder that the Serializer program replaces with a usable serial number.

  7. Type Y and press ENTER. The disk is serialized and a message displays to the serial number that is used.

  8. Note the serial number in a permanent location, such as on the disk label. You need to provide the serial number to postoffice administrators. They can configure other postoffices to communicate with the postoffice you install from the disk.

  9. Press ENTER.

  10. To exit Serial.exe, press ESC on the main menu.


Microsoft Select CD-ROM Kit User's Guide, Chapter 2, Exceptions to Standard Installations.

Also see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q182308, "Postoffice Improperly Serialized When Disk 1 Not Serialized."

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.2,3.2a,3.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: October 28, 1999
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