PC Win: Network Connections and Linked Objects
ID: Q85971
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Mail for Windows, version 3.0
Version 3.0 of Microsoft Mail for Windows (being an Embedding client),
supports Linking by the use of a Microsoft Windows version 3.1 product,
Packager. Packager allows Mail for Windows to "Embed Packaged Links." When
using Mail and creating Packaged Links, the user should be creating links
to files that can be accessed by those receiving the mail (that is, the
file should be located on a Server accessible by both sender and receiver).
By using the following steps, a Packaged Link can be created:
- Open the Windows File Manager.
- Highlight the file to link.
- From the File menu, choose Copy and select Copy to Clipboard.
- Start Mail for Windows and open a new Compose Note.
- Select Paste Special from the Edit menu and choose Packaged Link.
An icon will appear within the Mail message indicating the file
type. However, only a Link to the file is embedded, not the actual
file. The Link includes the complete drive and path to the file
- Send the Mail message.
- The receiving user can now open the Mail message containing the
Packaged Link and double-click the object to launch the server
The receiving user(s) must be connected to the same server AND use the
same drive path. If a user attempts to open a Packaged Link to a file
that he is not properly connected to, he will receive one of the following
error messages:
- Linked document is unavailable
- Failed to carry out command
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :