PC WFW: Installing Extensions for Workgroups

ID: Q96454

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail and Schedule+ Extensions for Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, version 3.1

This article explains the steps necessary to install version 3.0 of Microsoft Mail and Schedule+ Extensions for Microsoft Windows version 3.1 for Workgroups.

Postoffice/Server Upgrade

Working from the Windows for Workgroups (WFWG) workstation that contains the WFWG postoffice, follow the steps below to complete the Extension process.

NOTE: Before you proceed, make sure all users on the postoffice have exited and signed out of Mail.
  1. To convert the existing WFWG postoffice to a full version 3.0 Microsoft Mail for PC Networks postoffice, run the EXTEND.EXE program from the Server Version - Disk 1 disk. Follow the instructions, inserting disks as prompted, until the Extend process is complete.

    1. You will be prompted to specify a directory for the mail executables. WARNING: Do NOT specify the Windows directory. Microsoft suggests you use the C:\MAILEXE directory.

    2. You will be prompted to specify the location of the current WFWG postoffice. The default is C:\WINDOWS\WGPO.

  2. Using the disks labeled Windows Based and OS/2 Presentation Manager Based Workstation Version - Disk 1, run the INSTALL.EXE program. Follow the instructions, inserting disks as prompted, until the Install process is complete.

    You will be prompted to specify the location of the Mail executables. Specify the same directory location you specified in step 1a above.

  3. Using the disks labeled MS-DOS Based Workstation Version - Disk 1, run the INSTALL.EXE program. Follow the instructions, inserting disks as prompted, until the Install process is complete.

    You will be prompted to specify the location of the Mail executables. Specify the same directory location you specified in step 1a above.

    NOTE: You should always install the MS-DOS-based workstation even if all your users will be running different workstation software. The MS-DOS client installation copies files needed by other Microsoft Mail components. It may also be helpful when troubleshooting the Mail system.

  4. From the WFWG File Manager, share the Mail executables directory with full rights.

  5. From File Manager, share the postoffice directory with full rights.

  6. For Macintosh users only: Use the disk labeled Apple Macintosh Workstation Version and follow the steps listed in on page 10 in Chapter 1 of the "Microsoft Mail Administrator's Guide."

  7. Use the Mail administrator program (ADMIN.EXE) on a nondedicated WFWG server.

    After the WFWG postoffice has been upgraded to a full Mail 3.0 postoffice, the postoffice administration is handled through the MS-DOS based Administrator (ADMIN.EXE) program. By default, the Administrator program looks for the postoffice on the current directory of drive M. If you are using a peer-to-peer network and the postoffice is located on a nondedicated server, use the MS-DOS SUBST command to assign the M drive to the postoffice. For convenience, you can add this SUBST command to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For example:
    subst m: c:\windows\wgpo
    NOTE: The term "nondedicated" refers to a WFWG machine being used both as a workstation and as the postoffice server.

  8. Create the Schedule+ Mail Administrator account "adminsch". For more information, see page 7 in Chapter 2 of the "Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows Administrator's Guide."

  9. Use the Schedule+ disks and follow the instructions on pages 7 and 8 of the "Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows Administrator's Guide" to upgrade the server portion of Schedule+.

The Postoffice upgrade is now complete.

Windows Mail Client Upgrade

From each user's workstation, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Windows File Manager, connect drive M to the shared postoffice directory.

  2. Connect to the shared mail executables directory, using any drive letter.

  3. Double-click SETUP.EXE, which is located in the mail executables directory. You will be prompted for a directory location to install Microsoft Mail. Microsoft suggests you use the C:\MSMAIL directory.

Follow the instructions until the Microsoft Mail Windows client upgrade is complete.

Schedule+ Client Upgrade

From each user's workstation, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Windows File Manager, connect drive M to the shared postoffice directory.

  2. Connect to the shared Schedule+ directory, using any drive letter.

  3. Double-click SETUP.EXE, which is located in the shared Schedule+ directory. You will be prompted for a directory location to install Schedule+.

Follow the instructions until the Schedule+ client upgrade is complete.

Additional query words: 3.00

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Version : :3.1
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Last Reviewed: November 4, 1999
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