PC DB: 3.0a Mail Server Disk 2 [3.5, 720K; 5.25, 1.2 MB]

ID: Q98329

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft PC Mail, version 3.0a


The following are the directory listings of the version 3.0a Microsoft Mail for PC Networks Server Disk 2. Both the 3.5-inch and 5.25-inch disks contain the same files.

Volume in drive B is MSMAIL30A
Volume Serial Number is 301A-07CF
Directory of B:\

ADMIN        <DIR>     09-09-92  12:00a
        1 file(s)          0 bytes

Directory of B:\ADMIN

.            <DIR>     09-09-92  12:00a
..           <DIR>     09-09-92  12:00a
ADMIN    EXE    515064 09-09-92  12:00a
ERRORADM GLB     22272 09-09-92  12:00a
        4 file(s)     537336 bytes 

Additional query words: 3.00a dirmail

Keywords :
Version : :3.0a
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 10, 1999
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