PROFS: 3.3 Distribution Manager Disk [3.5, 720K]

ID: Q98915

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Mail Gateway to IBM PROFS and OfficeVision, version 3.3


The following is the directory listing of the version 3.3 Microsoft Mail Gateway to PROFS Distribution Manager Disk in 3.5-inch format.

Volume in drive B is PRDM33
Volume Serial Number is 2868-13D2
Directory of B:\ 

CSIACK   DAT       177 09-18-92  12:00p
DISTRMGR CHK      1840 09-18-92  12:00p
LOAD     BAT      3175 09-18-92  12:00p
LOAD_DM  BAT      3243 09-18-92  12:00p
PWACKZIP EXE      1932 09-18-92  12:00p
PWACRON  XED      2712 09-18-92  12:00p
PWADOCSV MOD      2463 09-18-92  12:00p
PWADSF6  MOD       951 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAHUFF  MOD     10675 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAPACK6 MOD       999 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAPRTCC XED      2020 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAPUFF  MOD     13931 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAPUFFP MOD       791 09-18-92  12:00p
PWARFT6U EXE      2214 09-18-92  12:00p
PWASENDD CEX     14336 09-18-92  12:00p
PWASENDD XED      2106 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAUNPK6 MOD       831 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAZIP   EXE      4816 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAZIP4  XED      3487 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAZIP5  CEX     43008 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAZIP5  XED      1922 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAZIPA  XED      4147 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAZIPE  XED      4511 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAZIPP  MOD       799 09-18-92  12:00p
PWAZIPU  XED      2121 09-18-92  12:00p
README   TXT       604 09-18-92  12:00p
REL-DM   DAT        80 09-18-92  12:00p
       27 file(s)     129891 bytes
                      587776 bytes free 

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : :3.3
Platform :
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 6, 1999
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