After Installing NetShow, IIS May Stop Responding

ID: Q185875

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server NetShow 3.0 Services


When you install Microsoft Windows NT Server NetShow 3.0 Services or enable HTTP streaming after a NetShow installation, Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) or other Web servers may fail to start or cease serving Web pages via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

In cases where you are running IIS, the following error message may be present in the Event Viewer:

   Event ID: 115
   The service could not bind instance 1. The data is the error code. 


The NetShow 3.0 Services allows you to use HTTP streaming to serve on- demand content. This feature can be enabled during setup. If this functionality is enabled on a computer that is also running another application that uses HTTP, such as IIS 4.0, NetShow may interfere with that services normal operation.


Disable HTTP streaming on the NetShow server by performing the following steps:

  1. Open the NetShow Administrator.

  2. Click Server properties.

  3. Choose the HTTP Streaming and Distribution tab.

  4. Choose "Do not Enable HTTP streaming for NetShow Unicast service" and then click Apply. You should receive a dialog box indicating that you need to reboot the server before the changes take effect. Click OK and reboot your server.


If the service that NetShow is interfering with is Microsoft IIS 4.0, it is possible to configure IIS 4.0 in a manner that will allow you to run NetShow 3.0 Services with HTTP streaming enabled on the same box.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q184317 Running IIS and NetShow Server with HTTP Streaming Enabled

Web servers or other applications that use HTTP typically use TCP port 80. TCP port 80 is the port that has been reserved for HTTP traffic. When working with TCP/IP under Microsoft Windows NT server, a port that is in use by a service to accept inbound connections, cannot be used by another service.

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : WINNT:3.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: June 23, 1999
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