ADT2: DOC GetRecordsetClone Method Unsuccessful Win 95/NT 3.5

ID: Q132029

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit, version 2.0


Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.

When you use the GetRecordSetClone method from the Data Outline control, you may receive the following error message:

The Microsoft Data Outline Control returned the following error: The control could not create an OLE RecordsetClone.
This error message occurs after you have installed the OLE 2.02 DLL (dynamic-link library) files from either the Microsoft Access version 2.0 Service Pack or from some other source containing the OLE 2.02 DLL files.


The OLE 2.02 DLLs include a registration script file named OLE2.REG. This file is used by the Registry application to build a special tree that contains information about the applications or DLLs in the REG.DAT file.

One branch of this tree contains registration information for the file named DAO2016.DLL. This file is used by the GetRecordSetClone method that is accessed by the Data Outline control.

When you run the OLE2.REG file to register the OLE 2.02 DLLs in Microsoft Windows NT, it rebuilds this branch of the registration tree from scratch and drops the registration information regarding the DAO2016.DLL file.


To correct this problem, register the DAO2016.DLL file with the MSAREG.EXE file that comes with Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit.

To register the DAO2016.DLL file using the MSAREG.EXE file, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the MSAREG.EXE file. The default location for this file is the \ACCESS\ADT directory.

  2. Locate the DAO2016.DLL file. The default location for this file is the WINNT\SYSTEM directory.

  3. Open File Manager, and on the File menu, click run. In the Run dialog box, type c:\access\adt\msareg c:\winnt\system\dao2016.dll in the Command Line box. Click the OK button.

    Note that the MSAREG.EXE file gives no indication that the file is registered. It does this registration silently.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Access version 2.0 running under Windows NT version 3.5. This problem no longer occurs with the Data Outline Control version 1.1 distributed with the Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit for Windows 95 version 7.0.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

  1. Start a computer running Windows NT version 3.5 and a clean version of Microsoft Access version 2.0 that has Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit installed.

  2. Create a new form and insert a Data Outline Control that refers to at least two levels. Save the form as MyDOC.

    NOTE: For instructions about how to use the Data Outline control, see the OLE Data Outline Control Help file, OUTL1016.HLP, in your ADT directory.

  3. Add a text box to the MyDOC form and call it MyText.

  4. Add a command button to the MyDOC form called MyButton, and set the control's OnClick property to the following event procedure:

          Sub MyButton_Click ()
             Dim rs As Object, iLevel As Integer
             iLevel = MyDOC.Object.GetLevel()
             Set rs = MyDOC.Object.GetRecordsetClone(iLevel)
             MyText  = rs.fields(0)
             Set rs = Nothing
          End Sub 
  6. Save and close the MyDOC form.

  7. Open the MyDOC form in Form view, select a level on the Data Outline control and click the Mybutton command button. Note that the text box named MyText changes to the first field in the level of the Data Outline control that you selected.

  8. Quit Microsoft Access and install the OLE 2.02 DLLs.

  9. Restart Microsoft Access. Open the form and click the Mybutton command button again. Note that you receive the following error message:

  10. The Microsoft Data Outline Control returned the following error: control could not create an OLE RecordsetClone.


For more information about the Windows NT Registry for 16-bit applications, please see the Windows NT version 3.5 Resource Kit.

For an overview of the Windows NT Registry, please see Microsoft Windows NT, "Resource Guide," pages 322-368.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kberrmsg kbinterop
Version : WINDOWS:2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: July 30, 1999
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