ADT95: Setup of Custom Application Not Completed Successfully

ID: Q161800

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit, version 7.0

Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.


When you try to install a custom application using Setup disks created with the Setup Wizard in the Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit (ADT) for Windows 95, you may receive the following error:

Setup was not completed successfully


This error has different causes, depending on what options you selected in the ADT Setup Wizard at the time that you created the Setup disks:

  • In the Setup Wizard, you added the name of an executable file that will run after the Setup program is completed and used the default setting on the command line for the executable file. For example, if you add the file README.TXT, in the "Run the following file after the custom Setup program is completed" box, then the default command line is as follows:

  • "$(FilePath)\README.TXT"
  • In the Setup Wizard, you added the Replication functionality and specified a server name in the "Path to Shared Network Folder" box that does not exist or contains a space. For example, you entered a \\server\share path as follows:

  • \\My App\Share
  • In the Setup Wizard, you added the Replication functionality and specified a particular network server in the "Path to Shared Network Folder" box. However, when you tried to install the custom application, the computer did not have a connection to the particular network server.

  • In the Setup Wizard, you added the Replication functionality and specified a particular network server in the "Path to Shared Network Folder" box. However, adequate permissions have not been set for the individual running the custom setup program

  • .
  • In the Setup Wizard, on the screen marked "Add the files that you want your custom Setup program to copy and then set properties for each file:", the "Set as Workgroup file" check box has been selected for your main application file (.mdb).


There are five possible workarounds to this error:

  • If the cause is that you included an executable file to run after setup finishes, then run the Setup Wizard again and specify a complete command line for the file. Enclose any files, paths, or strings that might contain spaces in quotation marks, for example:

  • "$(WinPath)\NOTEPAD.EXE" "$(AppPath)\README.TXT"
  • If the cause is an error in the "Path to Shared Network Folder" setting for the Replication feature, then run the Setup Wizard again and enter a correct server name without spaces, for example:

  • \\MyApp\Share
  • If the cause is the lack of a connection to a network share for the Replication feature, then establish a connection and rerun the Setup program for the custom application.

  • If the cause is that inadequate permissions have been set for the individual running the custom setup program, then have share level permissions of read/write/create assigned to this individual before running the custom setup program.

  • If the cause is that you specified your main application file as your workgroup file, then rerun the Setup Wizard and specify a valid workgroup file (.mdw). The selected file should store option and security settings for your application.

    NOTE: If you do not specify a workgroup information file for your application and your application requires one, the Setup Wizard will create this file for you.


For more information about using the Setup Wizard in the ADT, search for "Setup," and then "Setup Wizard in ADT," using the Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit for Windows 95 Help Index.

For more information about using replication functionality in your custom application, search on "Replication," and then "Replication manager," using the Microsoft Access for Windows 95 Help Index.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kberrmsg kbsetup StpFail
Version : WINDOWS:7.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 20, 1999
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