ODE97: Changing the Application Name Doesn't Change Folder Name

ID: Q162973

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition Tools

Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.


When you change the Application name when using an existing template with the Microsoft Office Developer Edition 97 Setup Wizard, the Setup Wizard will not automatically change the folder name in either the default installation folder or the name for the folder for systems that do not support long file name spaces.


This happens if either of those folder names have been changed from the default. Once they have been changed, the Setup Wizard will no longer automatically change folder names when you change the application name.


If you change your Application name when using the Setup Wizard to create disk images from a saved template, manually change the folder names for the default and the folder for systems that do not support long file names. Another workaround is to create a new template for each version.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Office Developer Edition 97.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

  1. Start the Microsoft Office Developer Edition 97 Setup Wizard.

  2. Click Next on the first page of the Setup Wizard.

  3. Add the Northwind sample database to the list of files and select "Set As Application's Main File." Then click Next on this screen and on the next 3 screens.

  4. Type "Test Northwinds" (without the quotation marks) in the space for the Application's name. In the space for the default folder for installation, type "C:\Northwind" (without the quotation marks), and in the space for the folder name for systems that do not support long file names, type "C:\Nwind" (without the quotation marks).

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click the Save button to save the Current Template, and then click Save on the Save Template Window. This will save the template to the name TestNort.mdt.

  7. Click Cancel to stop the creation of disk images.

  8. Start the Microsoft Office Developer Edition 97 Setup Wizard again.

  9. On the first screen, select the "Use previously saved setup options to create a custom Setup program for my application," and click Next.

  10. Select TestNort.mdt from the list of templates, and click Open.

  11. Click Next on the next four screens.

  12. Change the name of the application from Application to "My Cool App" (without the quotation marks), and press the TAB key.

    Note that neither of the installation folder names on this page change.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbtool StpOthr
Version :
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: July 20, 1999
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