ODE97: Help Workshop Help Topics Contents

ID: Q163939

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office Developer Edition 97
  • Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition


Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.

The Help Workshop program that is included in Microsoft Office 97, Developer Edition Tools, is a Microsoft Windows 95 program designed to assist you in creating the Help files you will include in your custom application. You use Help Workshop to create some of the files that make up a Help file and to compile them into a Help file.

Some of the tasks you can accomplished using Help Workshop are as follows:

  • You can create project files
  • You can create content files
  • You can compile your Help file
  • You can display, test, and fix any problems involving your Help file


This article lists the topics covered in the Microsoft Help Workshop Help Topics.

Getting Started

  • What is Help Workshop?
  • Help Workshop components
  • Notational Conventions
What's New in Version 4.0

  • WinHelp 4.0
    Redesigned User Interface
    Improved Authoring Capabilities
    New Font-Handling Features
    New Compiling and Testing Features
    New File-Handling Features
  • Help Workshop 4.0
    Improved Authoring Capabilities
    Font-Handling Features
    New Compiling and Testing Features
    New File-Handling Features
Designing your Help system

  • Planning your Help system
  • Designing the Contents, Index, and Find tabs
  • Customizing Help windows, menus and buttons
  • Designing Context-sensitive Help
  • Designing training card Help
  • Using graphics, video, and animation
  • Using Help Workshop
  • Designing topics
  • Localizing Help files
  • Adding tabs to the Help Topics dialog box
Step by Step Procedures

  • Creating Topic Files

  • Creating a Project File

  • Creating a Contents File

  • Compiling and Testing a Help File

WinHelp Reference

  • Using Macros

  • Macro Quick Reference

  • Macro Reference

  • Project File Commands

  • Topic File Commands

  • WinHelp Buttons and Menus

  • WinHelp Initialization Files

  • Executable File Commands

  • Developer Considerations

  • Help APIs

  • Full-Text Search APIs

  • Writing DLLs

  • RTF Command Reference

Converting from Viewer 2.0

  • Compiling Viewer 2.0 source files for WinHelp 4.0


For more information about creating Help files for your custom application, search the Help index for "Help, creating custom," or ask the Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbother
Version : 97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: July 21, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.