ODE97: Setup Wizard Doesn't Include Intl ActiveX Dependency DLL

ID: Q172432

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition Tools


Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.

When you install an international run-time application, ActiveX controls show dialog boxes, error messages, or other text in English instead of in the appropriate language.


When you distribute an international Microsoft Access run-time application that includes an ActiveX control, the international dependency file is not automatically included.


You must include the appropriate international dependency .dll manually.

If, for example, you are distributing a German run-time application that includes the Comctl32.ocx ActiveX control, you must manually add Cmctlde.dll in the Add Files list in the Setup Wizard.

To determine what international dependency file you need for a particular ActiveX control, follow these steps:

  1. In Notepad, open the associated .dep file for the ActiveX control; for example, Comctl32.dep, if you are including Comctl32.ocx.

  2. Find the section that matches your international settings; for example, ** German (DE) ***

  3. The international .dll is listed on the Uses1 line; for example:

       [ComCt232.ocx <0010>]
When you have determined which international .dll to include, follow these steps to manually add it in the Setup Wizard:
  1. Run the ODE Setup Wizard.

  2. On the List Of Files screen, add the ActiveX file and other files that you typically add.

  3. On the List Of Files screen, click Add.

  4. In the \Windows\System folder, select the international .dll you found in the previous steps, and click Add.

  5. IMPORTANT: Confirm that the Destination Folder property for the .dll file is set to $(WinSysPath)

  6. Continue building your run-time application and finish the Setup Wizard.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Office Developer Edition ODE Tools 97.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

  1. Install German Microsoft Access and German Microsoft ODE.

  2. Run the Setup Wizard.

  3. In the List Of Files, add Comctl32.ocx.

When you add comctl32.ocx, it adds Comcat32.dll, but not Cmctlde.dll.

Additional query words: globalization international int'l localization localisation intl

Keywords : kbusage OdeGen
Version :
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: July 7, 1999
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