Transferring Files Between Works 2.0 for Windows and Excel

ID: Q103412

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 4.0, 5.0
  • Microsoft Works for Windows, versions 2.0, 2.0a


This article contains information about how to transfer files between Works for Windows 2.0 and Microsoft Excel 4.0, and lists the features that are converted, features that are not converted, and comments about the conversion process.


How to Transfer Files from Microsoft Excel to Works for Windows

You cannot open Microsoft Excel files directly in Microsoft Works for Windows versions 2.0. To open an Excel file in Works 2.0, save the file in Excel as a Works for Windows spreadsheet file (WKS). To do this:
  1. In Microsoft Excel, open the file you want to convert.

  2. On the File menu, click Save As.

  3. In the Save file as type box, click WKS or WKS (1-2-3).

  4. In the File name box, type a name for the spreadsheet, and then click OK or Save.

Transferring Files from Works for Windows to Excel

To open a Microsoft Works for Windows spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel:
  1. On the File menu in Microsoft Excel, click Open.

  2. In the Look in box, click the folder that contains the file you want to open.

  3. In the File name box, type *.wks, and then click OK or Open.

  4. Click the file you want to open, and and then click OK or Open.

Character Formatting Translation

Character formatting features such as type face, color, size, bold, italic, or underline in Works and Excel are not translated from Works to Excel or from Excel to Works.

Cell Formatting Translation

The following table lists cell formatting features in Works and Excel, and indicates if each feature is translated from Works to Excel or from Excel to Works:

Feature Works to Excel Excel to Works
Leading Zeros No N/A*
Exponential Yes Yes
True/False No N/A
Currency Yes Yes
Percent Yes Yes
Time No No
Date** Partial Partial
Fraction Numbers N/A No***
Patterns N/A No
Protect Data Yes Yes****

*Excel translates leading zeros into the currency format.

**Dates are translated both ways as dates, but the date format may change during the translation.

***Fractions are translated from Excel to Works as decimal numbers.

****Cell Protection is translated from Excel into Works. However, Object Protection and Window Protection are not translated.

Page Formatting Translation

The following table lists page formatting features in Works and Excel, and indicates if each feature is translated from Works to Excel or from Excel to Works:

Feature Works to Excel Excel to Works
Margins No No
Page size Yes Yes
Page break(s) No No
Text alignment (left, right, center) Yes Yes
Text alignment (justified) N/A No
Number alignment (left, right, center) No No
Number alignment (justified) N/A No
Column Width Yes Yes
Row Height N/A No
Background Shading N/A No
Borders No No
Headers/Footers Yes Partial*
Show Gridlines No Yes
Don't Show Gridlines Yes No
Show Formulas No No
Print Gridlines No No
Print Row and Column Headings No No

*The basic text is converted from Excel to Works. However, text formatting (font size, font style, text alignment) and any functions or formulas are lost.

Function Translation

If a function is available in both Works and Excel, the function can be translated from Works to Excel, and from Excel to Works.

If a function is only available in Excel, the value in the cell is translated to Works as text. The function or formula in the cell is lost.

The ERR() and TERM functions are only available in Works.
  • You cannot translate the ERR() function in Works to Excel.

  • When you translate TERM function to Excel, it is translated as the NPER function.

Other Features Translation

The following table lists other features in Works and Excel, and indicates if each feature is translated from Works to Excel or from Excel to Works:

Feature Works to Excel Excel to Works
Manual Calculation Yes Yes
Split Screen No No
Freeze Titles Yes Yes
Range Names Yes Yes
Print Area No Yes

For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q127759 Works Err Msg: Invalid Range Names When Saving as Excel File

Additional query words: w_works import export converting transfers compatibility lotus 123 1-2-3

Keywords : kbtool kbui kbimu
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,2.0a,4.0,5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: October 8, 1999
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