XL: MSQuery: Cannot Open Q+E Query File
ID: Q108894
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 5.0, 5.0c
Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0
In Microsoft Query, you attempt to open a Q+E Query file (.QEF) containing
a text, the following error messages will appear:
Error in Expression: field_1
Invalid column name: Field_1
The errors are caused by incorrect table information provided to Microsoft
Query. Q+E is providing a Microsoft Query a field width that is different
from the actual table width. This table information cannot be correctly
interpreted. The solution is to create a new text data source and have
Microsoft Query "guess" the new table information then load the old query
(.QEF) file.
To create the new data source to open the Q+E query table, do the
- Run Microsoft Query.
- From the File menu choose New Query.
- Select Other.
- In the ODBC Data Sources dialog choose New.
- From the Add Data Source dialog box, select Text Files and choose OK.
- In the ODBC Text Setup, enter a name for the new data source and choose
the Options button.
- Select the Directory button and choose the directory that contains the
Q+E query file (*.QEF). Choose the OK button.
- Choose the Define Format button.
- Select the Q+E query file (*.QEF) and choose the Guess button.
- Choose OK until the Select Data Source dialog box appears.
- Select the newly created data source and choose the Use button.
- Now add the Q+E query table.
Additional query words:
5.00c query MSQUERY QplusE
Keywords : xlquery
Version : 5.00 5.00c 7.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :