XL Err Msg: "Setup Needs To Modify A File" During Setup

ID: Q110074

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 5.0, 5.0c
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0


When you run the Microsoft Excel Setup program, you may receive one of the following error messages after you enter your information in the Name And Organization Information dialog box:

Serious disk error writing to drive A:
Setup Needs To Modify a file on:


If you have locked your disk with a write-protect tab, please unlock it and then choose OK.
If you receive the second error message and then choose OK, you receive the same error message. If you choose Ignore, you receive the following error message:
Could not write to the file named: 'A:\SETUP.INI'. Please verify that the destination drive has enough disk space."


During Microsoft Excel Setup, your name and organization information is written to the Setup Disk 1. You receive the error message above if Setup Disk 1 is write-protected because information cannot be written to the disk. If you are using 3.5-inch disks, the disk is write-protected if the write-protect window on the disk is open.

NOTE: It is possible for the write-protect tab to slip during the shipping and handling of your disks.


To work around this problem, do one of the following:

  • If you still have the error message on the screen:

    1. Eject Setup Disk 1 from your floppy disk drive.

    2. Close the write-protect window if you are using 3.5-inch disks or remove the write-protect tab if you are using 5.25-inch disks.

    3. Place Setup Disk 1 back in your floppy drive.

    4. In the error message dialog box, choose OK or Retry (depending on which error message is on the screen).

  • -or-

  • If you have exited the Microsoft Excel Setup program:
    1. Eject Setup Disk 1 from your floppy drive.

    2. Close the write-protect window if you are using 3.5-inch disks, or remove the write-protect tab if you are using 5.25-inch disks.

    3. Place Setup Disk 1 back in the floppy drive.

    4. Run Setup again.

Additional query words: 5.00c ensure b:\ full modify setup.inf Word word6

Keywords : xlwin
Version : 5.00 5.00c 7.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 14, 1999
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