Query Does Not Appear to Delete Records from dBASE Table

ID: Q117274

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Query for Windows, version 1.0


In Microsoft Query version 1.0 for Windows, you may have a problem deleting records from within Microsoft Query even if the Show Deleted Records option is cleared (not selected) in the ODBC setup dialog box for the dBASE driver. In Microsoft Query, when you delete the records, the records may still be displayed even though Show Deleted Records is not selected.


During the setup for Microsoft Excel version 5.0 for Windows, when the ODBC drivers and the ODBC Control Panel setup are installed, the "Show Deleted Records" is not selected in the setup dialog box for the ODBC dBASE Setup dialog box. However, contrary to what the dialog box displays, the option to "Show Deleted Records" is in fact turned on in the ODBCISAM.INI file which is located in the Windows directory. Therefore, when you delete dBASE records from within Microsoft Query, they are still displayed, but they are marked for deletion.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in Microsoft Excel for Windows version 5.0c.


To correct this situation, do the following to modify the ODBCISAM.INI file.

NOTE: Because there are several versions of Windows, the following steps may be different on your computer. If they are, please consult your product documentation to complete these steps.

  1. In Windows Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu.

  2. In the Command Line box, type ODBCISAM.INI, and choose the OK button.

  3. The [dBase ISAM] section will contain the entry
    Deleted = on
    change this reference to the following:
    Deleted = off

  4. Save the ODBCISAM.INI file and restart Microsoft Query for this change to take effect.


With dBASE files you have the option of displaying or not displaying deleted records. When a record is deleted in a dBASE file, the record is marked as deleted so that when the option "Show Deleted Records" is not selected, those records marked for delete are not displayed. To either actually delete records that are marked for delete in dBASE files or to remove the delete mark from records in dBASE files, you must use an application or utility that will provide these features. Microsoft Query version 1.0 does not provide these features.

Additional query words: 5.00 5.00a 5.00c

Keywords : xlquery
Version : 1.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 21, 1999
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