XL5: Running Custom Dialog Box Returns #N/A in Result Column
ID: Q120683
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Excel for Windows, version 5.0
In Microsoft Excel, when you run a custom dialog box and you select a list
box item, the #N/A error value, rather than the number of the item selected
in the list box, is returned to the result column.
This behavior occurs when you run the dialog box from the sheet that
contains the referenced list box items, instead of from the macro sheet
that contains the dialog box definition table.
For example, if the macro sheet TEST contains a dialog box definition table
and the Dialog.Box function, and you run the dialog box from a worksheet
that contains a list of items referenced in the dialog box, the #N/A error
value is returned in the result column in the dialog definition table for
the list box instead of the value of the item selected in the dialog box.
This behavior occurs because the dialog box tries to return values to the
worksheet that contains the list, instead of returning them the macro sheet
that contains the dialog box definition table.
To avoid returning the #N/A error value in the result column in the dialog
definition table, do any of the following:
- Include any items that will be referenced in a list box on the macro
sheet that contains the dialog box definition table.
- Run the macro that displays the dialog box while the macro sheet that
contains the dialog box definition table is active.
- Use a dialog sheet to create a custom dialog box, and return
values when you run the dialog box using a Visual Basic procedure.
For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q111564 XL5: Determining which Items Are Selected in a List Box
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products
listed at the beginning of this article. This problem was corrected in
Microsoft Excel version 5.0c for Windows.
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Version : 5.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :