XL5: List of Help Topics in MAINXL.HLP File (Part 1 of 2)
ID: Q125230
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 5.0, 5.0c
This article contains the topic numbers and descriptions for the Help
topics available in the MAINXL.HLP file. Topic IDs 1-437, listed in the
"More Information" section of this article, apply to Microsoft Excel
versions 5.0 and 5.0c. For information about topic IDs 438-585, please see
the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q125231 : "XL5: List of Help Topics in MAINXL.HLP File (Part 2 of 2)"
Using a Help Topic
You can use these topics in conjunction with dialog boxes that are equipped
with Help buttons; you can call them with the HELP() function in Microsoft
Excel 4.0; and, you can call them with the Application.Help line in a
Visual Basic, Applications Edition, macro. The following are examples of
both types of macros.
Visual Basic code:
Application.help "MAINXL.HLP", 3
Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro:
Finding a Help Topic ID
To find the help topic ID numbers for a help topic in Microsoft Excel, use
the following macro:
1 No Help for this Context ID.
2 Locked cells cannot be changed.
3 Microsoft Excel 5.0 menus are required when using Help for Lotus
1-2-3 Users.
4 Not enough memory to display completely.
5 Database range is not defined.
6 Criteria range is not defined.
7 Extract range is not defined.
8 Database or list range is not valid.
9 Criteria range is not valid.
10 Extract range is not valid.
11 '[Entry]' is not valid.
12 Selection is not valid.
13 Recorder range is not valid.
14 '[Formula or text]' is too long.
15 Formula is too long.
16 Text is too long.
17 Number format is too long.
18 Formula is not valid.
19 Name in formula is unclear.
20 Error in formula.
21 Function is not valid.
22 Parentheses do not match.
23 '[Incorrect number of]' arguments.
24 Error in formula: missing operand.
25 That name is not valid.
26 Cannot enter an external reference to a chart.
27 Cannot enter an external reference to a workbook.
28 Name is not defined.
29 Number format is not valid.
30 Selection is too large.
31 Cannot paste that macro formula onto a worksheet.
32 Cannot resolve circular references.
33 Cannot use workbook reference here.
34 Series order must be an integer between 0 and 255.
35 Series must contain at least one value.
36 Formula must refer to a single cell or result in a text string.
37 External reference is not valid.
38 Reference is not valid. Reference must be to a single cell.
39 Reference is not valid. Reference for categories or values must
be a single row or column.
40 Reference is not valid. Reference for error bars must be a row
or column.
41 Reference is not valid. Reference must be a simple external
reference to a worksheet.
42 Reference is not valid. Reference must be to an open worksheet.
43 Cannot do that command on nonadjacent selections.
44 Cannot use that command on multiple selections.
45 Cannot use a name that refers to nonadjacent cells.
46 Cannot access file '[filename]'.
47 Cannot access directory '[directory name]'.
48 Cannot access '[filename]'.
49 Cannot open or save any more documents.
50 Cannot open files from later versions of Microsoft Excel.
51 Disk is full.
52 Unable to read file.
53 Filename is not valid.
54 Cannot access read-only document '[filename]'.
55 '[External Copy or SYLK]' file format is not valid.
56 Replace existing '[filename]'?
57 Replace existing user-defined format?
58 Cannot save this file with the same name as an open document.
59 '[Filename]' is already open. Reopening will cause your changes
to be discarded. Do you want to reopen?
60 Document is not completely saved.
61 Delete file '[filename]'?
62 Delete this user-defined format?
63 Maximum number of data series per chart is 255.
64 Maximum number of data points in a data series is 4000.
65 Negative or zero values cannot be plotted correctly on log
66 No RETURN() or HALT() function found on macro sheet.
67 Reference must be to a macro sheet.
68 Invalid register id, or function not registered yet.
69 Error printing on '[printer]'.
70 No point number is specified.
71 No series number is specified.
72 Tick mark intervals must be greater than 0.
73 That user-defined autoformat option does not exist.
74 No format name specified.
75 Format name must not exceed 31 characters.
76 Format description must not exceed 32 characters.
77 Format name is not valid.
78 Error in deleting format.
79 Error in adding template
80 Error accessing User-defined AutoFormat file
81 Cannot use the autotemplate CHART.XLT. Use the AutoFormat
Command on the Format menu to create a new custom chart
82 Format does not exist.
83 You can add the chart template as a user-defined autoformat and
use it later by choosing AutoFormat from the Format menu. Choose
Yes to add this template as an autoformat.
84 Cannot print chart in draft quality.
85 Cannot add any more custom formats.
86 '[Filename]' is read-only.
87 '[Filename]' is currently in use. Open as read-only?
88 Sort reference is not valid.
89 This list is outlined. Only the summary data will be sorted.
90 Cannot change part of an array.
91 Cannot change part of a table.
92 Cannot change part of a subscriber.
93 Cannot move or modify part of a pivot table.
94 Pivot table cannot overlap another pivot table.
95 Cannot move part of the filter drop-down row.
96 Cannot delete built-in format.
97 Cannot save to that name. Another document is linked to a
document with that name.
98 Value must be a number.
99 Minor unit must be less than major unit.
100 Maximum axis value must be greater than minimum axis value.
101 Unit of log scale must be at least 10.
102 '[Name]' is not a valid name.
103 Replace existing definition of '[name]'?
104 Number is not valid.
105 Integer is not valid.
106 Scroll value must be between 0 and 30000.
107 The scroll value maximum cannot be less than the scroll value
108 That name already exists.
109 No match.
110 No references found.
111 Cannot find matching data.
112 Cannot find matching data to delete.
113 Cannot find matching data to replace.
114 Search string must be specified.
115 Shortcut key must be a letter.
116 Column width must be between 0 and 255 characters.
117 Row height must be between 0 and 409.
118 Recording failed.
119 Recorder range is full.
120 Cannot open the Clipboard.
121 Cannot empty the Clipboard.
122 Too complex to record.
123 Cannot shift nonblank cells off sheet.
124 Cannot shift objects off sheet.
125 Fixed objects will move.
126 Cannot link to a chart.
127 The change to the DDE or OLE link has failed.
128 Number must be greater than or equal to zero.
129 Cannot paste data.
130 Cannot insert object.
131 Cannot open printer driver.
132 File error: data may have been lost.
133 File error. Some number formats may have been lost.
134 File may contain nondisplayable text and formats from the Far
135 A document with the name '[filename]' is already open.
136 This document contains links. Re-establish links?
137 '[Copy or cut]' and paste areas are different shapes.
138 Cannot paste a table onto a macro sheet.
139 Some custom formats will not fit on the destination sheet.
140 Cannot find '[filename]'.
141 Cannot access '[filename]'.
142 Cannot save '[filename]' because the volume is locked.
143 Matching records will be permanently deleted.
144 Incorrect password.
145 Cannot open a dependent document that contains references to
different sheets with the same name.
146 Use existing definition of '[name]'?
147 Name cannot resemble a reference.
148 Name cannot be the same as a built-in name.
149 Name already exists on destination sheet.
150 Data on the Clipboard is not the same size and shape as the
selected area. Paste anyway?
151 No link to paste.
152 Unable to paste link.
153 No match in active cell.
154 Cell with looping function should not contain anything else.
155 Save changes in '[filename]'?
156 Save changes in '|'? Note: Though you already saved this
workbook as an Add-In, Add-Ins cannot be viewed or edited. This
workbook is the editable version of the Add-In.
157 Save changes in '[filename]'? Note: The current file format is
not Microsoft Excel Workbook.
158 Reference must be to a single cell.
159 Only macro names are valid.
160 Select cells in one column only.
161 Error in parse line.
162 Cannot find data source.
163 Reference is not valid.
164 Input cell reference is not valid.
165 Destination reference is not valid.
166 Consolidation reference is not valid.
167 Invalid sheet for consolidation.
168 Data will permanently lose accuracy.
169 Sheet is already protected.
170 Custom data_form is not properly defined.
171 Cannot justify cells containing numbers or formulas.
172 Text will extend below selected range.
173 Error in dialog box at '[cell]'.
174 Existing categories will be permanently deleted.
175 There are more new points than series in the chart. Add new
points to only the existing series?
176 Displayed record will be permanently deleted.
177 Cannot extend list or database.
178 No cells found.
179 Cannot open normal Multiplan document.
180 You must enter a valid reference you want to go to, or type a
valid name for the selection.
181 Total number of file errors: '[number]'.
182 Cannot read record '[cell or name]'.
183 Cannot write record '[cell or name]'.
184 Cannot convert 3-D reference: '[reference]'.
185 A high-low-close stock chart must contain three series.
186 A volume-high-low-close stock chart must contain four series.
187 An open-high-low-close stock chart must contain four series.
188 A volume-open-high-low-close stock chart must contain five
189 To use multiple chart types, choose the Chart Type command or
the chart type group command (for example, Line Group) from the
Microsoft Excel 5.0 Format menu.
190 Cannot combine 2-D and 3-D types. Change all series in chart to
191 Cannot combine 2-D and 3-D types. Change all series in chart to
192 References in series formulas must be external references to
193 Cannot delete last entry in legend.
194 Redefine '[style]' based on selection?
195 Redefine '[scenario name]' scenario based on current cell
196 Macro with name '[name]' already exists. Replace existing macro?
197 Cannot create Personal Macro Workbook.
198 Save changes to Personal Macro Workbook?
199 Personal Macro Workbook in the startup directory must stay open
for recording.
200 You cannot save the Personal Macro Workbook in the startup
directory. Save it elsewhere now and move it to the startup
directory later.
201 You cannot save the User-defined AutoFormats Workbook in the
startup directory. Save it elsewhere now and move it to the
startup directory later.
202 Cannot save User-defined AutoFormats Workbook.
203 Cannot change this cell while a macro is paused.
204 Too many fields in the data form.
205 Cannot create data form for a database in which all columns are
206 The destination range is not large enough to accommodate all
copied rows. Data below the destination range will be lost.
Continue copying anyway?
207 You can only copy filtered data to the active sheet.
208 Microsoft Excel found headers above your list or database.
Expand selection to include them?
209 This removes the subtotals and sorts again. If you want to sort
the subtotaled groups, choose the Cancel button; then collapse
the outline and try again.
210 This subtotals lists in place. To display and remove subtotals
in a pivot table, use the PivotTable Field command.
211 Too many different cell formats.
212 Note will be permanently deleted.
213 Selected sheets will be permanently deleted. Continue?
214 Sheet name is too long.
215 Only worksheets and charts will be saved.
216 Cannot save as a WK3 file if there are no worksheets in the
217 Save large Clipboard from '[filename]'?
218 Cannot quit Microsoft Excel.
219 Save '[filename]' with references to unsaved documents?
220 Help reference is not valid.
221 Cannot delete '[filename]'.
222 Margins do not fit page size.
223 Number must be between '[number]' and '[number]'.
224 '[Name]' on '[filename]' is not defined or is too complex.
225 Merge styles that have the same names?
226 Database is hidden.
227 Cannot enter a formula in a data form.
228 Cannot save as that name. Document was opened as read-only.
229 Save changes to selected series?
230 Name conflict. Rename the document you want to open.
231 Dialog box contains too many items.
232 Cannot open protected file.
233 Font name is too long.
234 Text extends beyond worksheet. Some text will be lost.
235 Command not available at cell:
236 There is nothing to print in the specified pages.
237 Cannot create backup file. Save '[filename]' without backup?
238 File format is not valid.
239 Cell must contain a value.
240 Reference must be on the active sheet.
241 Cell must contain a formula.
242 Formula in cell must result in a number.
243 Calculation is incomplete. Recalculate before saving?
244 '[Filename or formula]' contains incomplete calculation.
245 '[Filename]' contains incomplete calculation. Continue
reporting each error?
246 Operation failed. '[Filename]' is reserved by '[user]'.
247 Operation failed. '[Filename]' is write reserved.
248 Confirmation password is not identical.
249 Password contains accented characters or certain punctuation
marks which will not transfer correctly to Microsoft Excel for
Windows or OS/2.
250 Cannot link to Microsoft Excel 1.5 file.
251 '[Document]' is being modified by '[user]'. Open as read-only?
252 '[Document]' should be opened as read-only unless you need to
save changes to it. Open as read-only?
253 Cell with block IF function should not contain anything else.
254 Reference is too complex.
255 Cannot use that command on a protected sheet.
256 Reference must be to a single cell on the active sheet.
257 Cannot find macro '[name]'.
258 Series definition must include a '[Y or Z]' reference.
259 Saving to an old file format; data may be lost.
260 Cannot find '[macro]', which has been assigned to run each time
'[document]' is opened. Continuing could cause errors. Cancel
opening '[document]'?
261 Cannot find '[macro]', which has been assigned to run each time
'[document]' is closed. Continuing could cause errors. Cancel
closing '[document]'?
262 Cannot find '[name]'.
263 Cannot start the source application for this object.
264 Cannot find the source application for this embedded object.
265 Sheet is protected with password. File format cannot be used.
266 Sheet is protected with password and formulas are displayed.
File format cannot be used.
267 Value is too large.
268 Value is too small.
269 Unable to import file.
270 Unable to combine file.
271 Unable to extract file.
272 Cannot import from an open file.
273 Cannot extract to an open file.
274 Directory does not exist.
275 Matrix must be square.
276 Matrices are incompatible for multiplication.
277 Output range extends beyond edge of worksheet.
278 Cannot split when windows are locked.
279 Reference cannot be to a closed sheet.
280 Lotus 1-2-3 Help demonstrations cannot be recorded. Stop
recording and continue?
281 Cannot post instructions because a worksheet is not active.
282 Cannot post instructions because worksheet objects are currently
hidden or protected.
283 Cannot post instructions because worksheet is protected.
284 Not enough data for Graph demonstration.
285 Cannot demo with custom menus.
286 You cannot use Help for Lotus 1-2-3 Users while in group edit
287 Can only paste a subscriber onto a worksheet or macro sheet.
288 Missing NEXT function for loop.
289 Missing loop.
290 Missing IF.
291 Missing an END.IF function.
292 Cannot add another menu bar.
293 Duplicate menu bar name.
294 Command or menu does not exist.
295 Cannot delete built-in or active menu bars.
296 Cannot enable built-in commands.
297 Names cannot look like references.
298 References in object formulas must be external references to
299 Cannot use name that is a noncontiguous reference.
300 Multiple selection usage is not valid.
301 Cannot change linked data: '[message]'.
302 Source worksheet is closed
303 Data point corresponds to a formula on a macro sheet
304 Cell in source worksheet is locked
305 Cell in source worksheet contains nonnumeric data
306 Category range contains nonnumeric data
307 Stationery document is not saved in Normal format. Opening as a
nonstationery file.
308 Names are not valid in complex references.
309 Series formula is too long.
310 The list and decimal separators specified by the system are
identical. Substituting '[punctuation mark]' for the list
311 The date and time separators specified by the system are
identical. Substituting ':' for the time separator.
312 Text in your macro may need to be translated manually.
313 Cannot cut part of a publisher.
314 No objects found.
315 Unable to save external link values.
316 Cannot print chart with the current scale and paper size. Select
a larger scale percentage or a smaller paper size.
317 Update embedded objects?
318 Workbook is protected and cannot be changed.
319 This chart plots data from more than one worksheet. Double-
click the series you want to change, and then select the Name
and Values tab to change the series' plot data.
320 This chart plots constant data. Double-click the series you
want to change, and then select the Name And Values tab to
change the series' plot data.
321 This chart plots data from a closed worksheet. Use the Links
command on the Edit menu to open the source workbook.
322 Update '[filename]'?
323 Cannot run '[program]'. The program or one of its components is
damaged or missing.
324 A surface chart must contain at least two series.
325 This button can be used only with Microsoft Windows for Pen
326 Cannot read this binary file. If the file was created in a
version of Microsoft Excel later than 5.0, use that version to
save it as a Microsoft Excel 5.0 file. Open file as text?
327 Cannot rename a sheet with the same name as another sheet.
328 Cannot rename a sheet to the same name as another sheet, a
referenced object library or a workbook referenced by Visual
329 '[Filename]' was created in a previous version of Microsoft
Excel. Do you want to update it to Microsoft Excel 5.0 format?
330 Sheet name is not valid.
331 Cannot enter an array formula into a range of cells which are
not all locked or all unlocked.
332 Print titles must be contiguous and complete rows or columns.
333 Macro error at cell: '[reference]'.
334 Macro interrupted at cell: '[reference]'.
335 Illegal reference argument at: '[reference]'
336 Formula is too complex to be assigned to object.
337 Delete the '[name]' toolbar?
338 Cannot revert a file that is currently running a macro.
339 Cannot open a copy while the template '[template]' is open.
340 File not loaded completely.
341 The version of XLINTL.DLL is incorrect. Continuing can cause
severe errors. Quit Microsoft Excel?
342 Macro name is not valid.
343 This font style name does not exist.
344 Select a font name.
345 No headers detected. Assume top row of selection is header row?
346 Delete entire row?
347 Entire subtotal row will be deleted.
348 Microsoft Excel has detected subtotals in your list. Aborting
349 You must quit and then restart Microsoft Excel before your
changes to the standard font will take effect.
350 This command or function is not available when multiple
workbooks are selected.
351 Embedded object data will be lost. Continue?
352 Cannot use object linking and embedding.
353 Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete
an OLE action.
354 The object is not responding. Continue waiting?
355 Not enough stack space to run macro.
356 Your changes will be lost if you update without saving. Continue
to update?
357 Workbook must contain at least one visible sheet.
358 Selected file type will save only the active sheet.
359 Do you want to save changes before switching file status?
360 Cannot open Microsoft Excel 5.0 Add-In for editing. Please edit
the source document instead.
361 There is already a macro assigned to that key. You can use a
different keyboard shortcut. Assign to that keyboard shortcut
362 Cannot load an empty Microsoft Excel 4.0 workbook.
363 Microsoft Excel 5.0 workspaces cannot contain Microsoft Excel
4.0 workbooks. Use 'Save As' to change the file type.
364 Cannot edit a macro on a hidden workbook. Unhide the workbook
using the Unhide command.
365 Only Visual Basic macros can be deleted using this dialog.
Delete Microsoft Excel 4.0 macros by editing the macro sheets.
366 Cannot save to that file format. There are references to other
sheets in this Workbook. Copy this sheet to a different Workbook
first, then try again.
367 Document saved successfully. Cannot reopen the saved document
due to low memory. Please close the document.
368 Cannot print file.
369 Cannot set options for this macro because of an error in the
macro code.
370 Too many files selected. Microsoft Excel will open or print as
many of the files as possible.
371 Cannot open Quattro Pro for Windows file.
372 Cannot open Lotus 123 '[version]' file.
373 Macro cannot be edited in place.
374 Cannot create a reference to unsaved workbooks.
375 Cannot edit macro on protected sheet or book.
376 That name is already assigned to a source sheet. Charts cannot
be source sheets.
377 Selection too large. Continue without Undo?
378 Document not saved.
379 Document not saved. Any previously saved copy has been deleted.
380 No source references specified for consolidation.
381 Cannot open consolidation source file '[filename]'.
382 No data was consolidated.
383 Cannot add duplicate source reference.
384 Consolidate_Area reference is not valid.
385 Source reference overlaps destination area.
386 Cannot create links to consolidation sheet.
387 Cannot show outline symbols because no outline exists on the
active worksheet. Create an outline?
388 Cannot ungroup. To start an outline, select the detail rows or
columns and group them.
389 Modify existing outline?
390 Cannot create an outline.
391 Style name is not valid.
392 Style '[name]' not found.
393 A group must contain two or more sheets.
394 Input and output ranges overlap.
395 The selection already contains only visible cells..
396 Cannot use that command in data entry mode.
397 Data entry range is too small for this action.
398 Insert new page into printer.
399 Cannot end macro in a menu.
400 Macro error at cell: '[reference]'
401 Macro interrupted at cell: '[reference]'
402 AutoFormat cannot detect a table around the active cell. Select
the range you want to format and choose the command again.
403 No list found. Select a single cell within your list and
Microsoft Excel will select the list for you.
404 No list found. Select a single cell within your list and
Microsoft Excel will select the list for you.
405 Continue checking at beginning of sheet?
406 Finished spell checking '[document]'.
407 Cannot initialize spelling checker.
408 Incompatible version of spelling checker.
409 Custom dictionary '[name]' does not exist. Do you want to create
410 Invalid '[dictionary name]'.
411 Cannot read '[dictionary name]'.
412 Cannot write '[dictionary name]'.
413 Cannot create '[dictionary name]'.
414 Cannot share '[dictionary name]'.
415 Custom dictionary is full.
416 Cannot open '[dictionary name]'.
417 Dictionary is too large.
418 No spelling errors found in '[selected text]'.
419 The word '[word]' is not in the dictionary. Change anyway?
420 Specify sheet to copy from workbook.
421 Not a workbook.
422 Cannot find that sheet in workbook.
423 Workbook has no bound sheets.
424 Cannot open files with FM? or ALL format directly. Open the
corresponding WK? file.
425 Replace contents of destination cells?
426 List will be permanently deleted.
427 Cells without simple text were ignored.
428 Some changing cells are part of an array or table and cannot be
429 Too many changing cells. A scenario can have no more than 32
changing cells.
430 Too many result cells. A report can have no more than 32 result
431 Scenario names must be unique.
432 Names and results of formulas were converted into values.
433 At least one of the changing cells you specified contains a
formula. Formulas in changing cells will be replaced by
constant values when you show a scenario.
434 Too many scenarios to fit in the report. Some were left out.
435 Some scenario values were too long and had to be truncated.
436 Changing Cells are required.
437 You must specify result cells when creating a scenario pivot
table report. >
Additional query words:
5.0 5.00a 5.00c
Keywords : xlwin
Version : 5.00 5.00c
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :