MXL5: Microsoft Excel Version 5.0a for the Macintosh Release

ID: Q128420

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, version 5.0a


The following information discusses the Microsoft Excel version 5.0a maintenance release.


Reasons for the Maintenance Release

Microsoft created a maintenance release for Macintosh Excel because we are committed to providing the best possible products and service to our customers. Part of this commitment involves listening to customers' comments and concerns. We are offering a maintenance release to address issues our customers have brought to our attention. Specific areas of improvement include:

  • Faster loading and saving of files on the Power Macintosh. Although we are very proud of Microsoft Excel 5.0's performance on the Power Macintosh, we found that with some minor adjustments we were able to increase the performance in the areas of loading and saving files. This minor adjustment has to do with changing the buffer size and was something we discovered by working closely with Apple in our ongoing process of hand-tuning the product for enhanced performance.

  • It was discovered that under certain specific conditions, using the linking function in MS Excel 5.0 for the Macintosh did not work. The specific instance is a case were you are linking to files that are closed and on a disk with certain kinds of formatting. This problem will be corrected.

    For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    Q122464 MXL5: Links Incorrect When Source Document(s) Closed


Microsoft Excel version 5.0a will be releasing to manufacturing sometime in the first quarter of 1995. Once it is released, current users will be able to get the updated disk set almost immediately. The "a" release will start appearing on retail shelves as soon as current inventory is depleted.

Obtaining the Maintenance Release

If you are a current user of Microsoft Excel 5.0 for the Macintosh or Power Macintosh, you can order the maintenance release directly from Microsoft by calling the Microsoft Sales and Information Center at (800) 426-9400. Ask for the Microsoft Excel 5.0a for the Macintosh disk set.

Upgrading from Microsoft Office version 4.2

If you currently own Microsoft Office version 4.2, you should not install one of the standalone Microsoft Office applications, such as Microsoft Excel version 5.0a. Mixing a standalone application's Setup with the integrated Microsoft Office Setup is not recommended, and will most likely cause problems.

Additional query words: 5.00a kbfixlist

Keywords : xlmac
Version : MACINTOSH:5.00a
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 20, 1999
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