XL7: Rotated Text Characters Missing Printing to PageMarq 20

ID: Q131293

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows NT, version 5.0
  • Microsoft Windows 95


In Microsoft Excel, when you print a worksheet that contains rotated text to a Compaq PageMarq 20 printer or to a Compaq 15 printer, some of the characters may be missing from the printout.

NOTE: This problem occurs using the HPPCL5MS driver, but it does not occur with the PostScript version of the driver.


This behavior occurs when you print text that is rotated by 90 or 270 degrees using a TrueType font to the PageMarq 20 printer under Microsoft Windows 95. This problem does not occur when you print to the PageMarq 20 printer under Microsoft Windows NT version 3.5.


To work around this problem, you can print TrueType characters as graphics when you print rotated text by doing the following:

  1. In Microsoft Excel, click Print on the File menu.

  2. (The Compaq PageMarq 20 should be selected in the Name box.) Click Properties.

  3. Click the Fonts tab.

  4. Click the Print TrueType As Graphics option and then click OK.

The Compaq PageMarq 20 and PageMaq 15 are manufactured by Compaq, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

Additional query words: pagemark gone letters blank text box

Keywords : xlwin
Version : 7.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 15, 1999
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