XL7: Upgrading Questions and Answers

ID: Q135834

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0


This article contains questions and answers about upgrading to Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0.


  1. Q. What are the new features in Microsoft Excel for Windows 95?

    A. The new features in Microsoft Excel for Windows 95 include

    • Answer Wizard

    • AutoCalculate

    • AutoComplete

    • AutoCorrect

    • AutoFilter with Top Ten

    • Improved drag-and-drop editing

    • CellTips and ScrollTips

    • Data Map

    • Easier document retrieval and management

    • Easier number formatting

    • Shared lists

    • Templates and the Template Wizard

    For additional information about these new features, see Q130490. Note that this information is also available in the "What's New" book in Microsoft Excel online Help.

  2. Q. What are the minimum system requirements for running Microsoft Excel for Windows 95?

    A. The minimum hardware and software requirements for running Microsoft Excel for Windows 95 are the following:

    • A personal computer with a 386DX or higher processor (486 recommended).

    • Microsoft Windows 95 operating system or Microsoft Windows NT(TM) Workstation operating system version 3.51 or later (will not run on earlier versions of Windows).

    • 6 megabytes (MB) of memory for use on Windows 95 or 12 MB of memory for use on a Windows NT workstation.

    • Hard disk space required: 8 MB for a Compact installation; 18 MB for a Typical installation; 38 MB (maximum) for a Custom installation.

    • One 3.5-inch high-density disk drive.

    • A VGA- or higher-resolution video adapter (SVGA 256-color recommended).

    • Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.

    Optional hardware and software items include:

    • Windows-compatible network.

    • Windows-compatible printer.

    • 2400- or higher-baud modem (9600-baud modem recommended).

    • Audio board with headphones or speakers.

  3. Q. What new analysis tools does Microsoft Excel for Windows 95 provide?

    A. In addition to the list management, charting, and PivotTable(R) analysis tools currently found in Microsoft Excel, we have provided additional tools and enhanced the most commonly used tools. For example, shared lists allow multiple users to add and analyze data in the same file at the same time. For instant data analysis, AutoCalculate provides a running sum, average, or count of currently highlighted cells.

  4. Q. Does Microsoft Excel for Windows 95 use multiple threads?

    A. No. After careful evaluation, it was decided that Microsoft Excel would not benefit from multi-threading--in fact, we determined that this functionality would actually slow down the recalculation speed on a single-processor machine. Consequently, we focused our development efforts on rewriting the recalculation engine. In some cases, this redesigned engine results in a 50-percent increase in calculation speed.

  5. Q. Will I be able to use my Microsoft Excel version 5.0 Visual Basic(R), Applications Edition, modules in Microsoft Excel for Windows 95?

    A. Yes. In most cases, you will be able to use your Visual Basic modules in Microsoft Excel for Windows 95. However, if you create advanced macros that make calls to the Windows API, these macros will be affected by the switch to Windows 95. For more information about this issue, see Q131525.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbdta kbnewfeature xlwin
Version : WINDOWS:7.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: October 14, 1999
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