XL98: How to Use the PivotTable AutoSort Feature

ID: Q181658

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition


In Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition, there is a new PivotTable feature called "AutoSort." This feature allows you to automatically sort a PivotTable when you create it or when you update (refresh) a PivotTable after you change data in the PivotTable.


A PivotTable is an interactive table that summarizes and analyzes data from existing lists and data tables.

In earlier versions of Microsoft Excel, you can sort PivotTable fields in ascending or descending order; however, if you refresh the PivotTable after you edit or add to the source data, you may get unexpected results. For example, the PivotTable may append new items to the end of the list rather than sort the items in the list. To sort a PivotTable with changed data in these earlier versions, you must sort the PivotTable after each update.

The new AutoSort feature for PivotTables in Microsoft Excel 98 automatically sorts a PivotTable even if you change the underlying data. You can find the following three basic AutoSort settings in the PivotTable Field Advanced Options dialog box: Manual, Ascending, and Descending. If you select Ascending or Descending, fields that you specify are sorted in ascending or descending order.

To find AutoSort, use the following methods according to whether the PivotTable already exists.

Method 1: Existing PivotTable

To find AutoSort, follow these steps:
  1. Select any single cell in the PivotTable, and then click PivotTable Wizard on the PivotTable toolbar.

    Step 3 of the PivotTable Wizard appears.

  2. Double-click the field button you want to sort in the Row or Column fields.

  3. In the PivotTable Field dialog box, click Advanced.

  4. In the PivotTable Field Advanced Options dialog box, click Ascending or Descending.

    NOTE: You can click a different field in the Using Field list.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click OK again in the PivotTable field dialog box.

    Step 3 of the PivotTable Wizard appears.

  7. Click Next, to set more options or click Finish to complete the PivotTable.

Method 2: New PivotTable

To find AutoSort, follow these steps:
  1. Open the workbook in which you want to create the PivotTable.

  2. If the PivotTable is based on a Microsoft Excel list or database, click a cell in the list or database.

  3. Start the PivotTable wizard by clicking PivotTable Report on the Data menu.

  4. Follow the instructions in the wizard until you see step 3 of the wizard.

  5. In step 3 of the PivotTable Wizard, construct the PivotTable by dragging the field buttons you want to the diagram.

  6. After you construct the PivotTable, repeat steps 2 to 7 in the method for an existing PivotTable.


For more information about working with PivotTables, click Contents And Index on the Help menu (or on the Balloon Help menu if you are using a version of the Macintosh operating system earlier than 8.0), click the Index button in Microsoft Excel Help, type the following text

pivottables, sorting
and then click Show Topics. Select the "Sort data in a PivotTable" topic, and click Go To. If you are unable to find the information you need, ask the Office Assistant.

Additional query words: Pivot Table XL98

Keywords : kbdta xlui xlpivot
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: January 13, 2000
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