XL98: Chart Titles With Multiple Lines Display Only One Line

ID: Q185395

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition


In Microsoft Excel, when you create a chart and add either a chart title or an axis title that contains multiple lines of text, only one line will appear.


This problem may occur when you rotate the text in the titles on a chart.


To work around this problem, do not rotate the chart titles when they contain multiple lines. To change the format of the title so it is not rotated, follow these steps:

  1. Select the title.

  2. On the Format menu, click Selected Chart Title or Selected Axis Title, depending on the type of title selected.

  3. Click the Alignment tab.

  4. Under Orientation, set Degrees to 0.

  5. Click OK.

The title will no longer be rotated, but you will be able to view multiple lines of text.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition.


For more information about formatting charts, click Contents And Index on the Help menu, click the Index tab in Microsoft Excel Help, type the following text:

charts, formatting
and then double-click the selected text to go to the "About formatting charts" topic. If you are unable to find the information you need, ask the Office Assistant.

Additional query words: XL98

Keywords : kbdta
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: February 1, 2000
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