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SYMPTOMSIn Microsoft Excel, when you use the Text Import Wizard to import a text file, you may receive the following error message:
CAUSEThis error message occurs when the value you specify in the "Start import at row" box is 32,768 or higher. The highest value you can enter in this box is 32,767. WORKAROUNDThe maximum number of rows in a Microsoft Excel 98 worksheet is 65,536. If you open a text file with 65,536 rows or fewer, all rows of the text file will be imported into one worksheet. However, if you attempt to import more rows in a text file than are available in the worksheet, only 65,536 rows of the text file will be loaded, and you will receive the following error message: If your worksheet contains more than 65,536 but fewer than 98,304 rows, you can use the Text Import Wizard to import the text file into two worksheets by following these steps:
Importing Larger Text FilesIf your text file is too large to import using the Text Import Wizard as described earlier, you will need to create a macro to import your text file that determines the size of the text file and breaks it up into individual worksheets.For an example of a Visual Basic for Applications macro that accomplishes this, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q190032 XL98: Error Importing Text Files Larger Than 65536 Rows REFERENCESFor more information about the Text Import Wizard, click Contents And Index on the Help menu (or on the Balloon Help menu if you are using a version of the Macintosh operating system earlier than 8.0), click the Index button in Microsoft Excel 98 Help, type the following text importing data, text filesand then click Show Topics. Select the "View or save files from other programs as Microsoft Excel workbooks" topic, and click Go To. If you are unable to find the information you need, ask the Office Assistant. Additional query words: XL98
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Last Reviewed: February 1, 2000 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |