Excel: Retrieving Cell Notes from a Macro

ID: Q58219

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, versions 2.2, 3.0, 4.0


The Microsoft Excel GET.NOTE function returns the note from a given cell when the function is called from a command macro. The function, in the form GET.NOTE(cell_ref,start_char,count_char), has the following three optional arguments:

  1. cell_ref - The reference of the cell containing the note. If cell_ref is omitted, it is assumed to be the active cell.

  2. start_char - The first character to be read. If start_char is omitted, it is assumed to be 1.

  3. count_char - The number of characters to be read. If count_char is omitted, it is assumed to be the length of the note attached to cell_ref.

The count_char argument must be less than or equal to 255. The start_char argument is limited only by the number of characters in the note. For example, if a note contains 510 characters, to obtain the last 255 characters, use the following formula


where 256 is the number to begin extracting from and 255 is the number of characters to extract.


For more information, see page 202 in the "Microsoft Excel Function Reference," version 4.0 manual. If you are using version 3.0, see page 112 in the "Microsoft Excel Function Reference" version 3.0 manual. If you are using Excel 2.20, see page 239 in the "Microsoft Excel Functions and Macros" version 2.2 manual.

Additional query words: 2.20 3.0 4.00

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Last Reviewed: March 15, 1999
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