Approximate Metric/U.S. Conversions
ID: Q59990
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 2.x, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0a, 5.0
Microsoft Excel for OS/2 versions 2.2, 2.21, and 3.0
The following is a list of common metric to U.S. conversions for
units of length and area:
From To Formula
---- -- -------
Millimeters Inches =Millimeters*.039
Meter Feet =Meter*3.281
Meter Yards =Meter*1.094
Kilometers Miles =Kilometers*.621
Square centimeters Square inches =Sq_Centimeter*.115
Square meters Square feet =Sq_Meter*10.764
Square meters Square yards =Sq_Meter*1.196
Hectares Acres =Hectare*2.477
Cubic meters Cubic yards =Cu_Meter*1.308
Liters Cubic inches =Liter*61.024
Liters Quarts =Liter*1.057
Grams Ounces =Grams*.035
Kilograms Pounds =Kilograms*2.205
Celsius Fahrenheit =(Celsius*9/5)+32
The following is a list of common U.S. to metric conversions
for units of length and area:
From To Formula
---- -- -------
Inches Centimeters =inches*2.540
Feet Meters =feet*.305
Yards Meters =yard*.914
Miles Kilometers =miles*1.609
Square inches Square centimeters =Sq_inches*6.452
Square feet Square meters =Sq_feet*.929
Square yards Square meters =Sq_yard*.836
Acres Square meters =Sq_meter*4047
Cubic feet Cubic meters =Cu_feet*.028
Quarts Liters =quart*.946
Gallons Cubic meters =gallon*.004
Ounces Grams =ounces*28.350
Pounds Kilograms =pounds*.453
Fahrenheit Celsius =(Fahrenheit-32)*5/9
Additional query words:
2.00 2.0 2.01 2.1 2.10 2.2 2.21 2.20 3.0 4.0
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