Excel: Using the Keyboard to Select Items in a Chart

ID: Q61287

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, versions 2.2, 3.0, 4.0


In addition to using the mouse to select items in a Microsoft Excel chart, the arrow keys or numeric keypad can be used to perform this function.

The arrow keys select the following items:

   Key           Selection
   ---           ---------

   UP ARROW      Next item
   DOWN ARROW    Previous item
   RIGHT ARROW   Next subitem
   LEFT ARROW    Previous subitem 

An "item" includes the axis, each series, the plot area, the chart, and any attached text.

A "subitem" includes the value axis, the category axis, each point on a series, the plot area, the chart, and any attached text.

If NUM LOCK is off, the numeric keypad can be used, as follows:

   Key  Function
   ---  --------

   8    Up
   2    Down
   6    Right
   4    Left 

Additional query words: 2.20 2.21 3.0 4.00

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Last Reviewed: March 16, 1999
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