Excel: Colored Borders Don't Print as Solid Black

ID: Q72533

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, versions 3.0, 4.0


In the versions of Microsoft Excel listed above, worksheets that are printed on any black and white device may print cell borders as dashed lines if they have been formatted with a color.


This occurs because when Microsoft Excel sends the color information to the printer with the Print Using Color option turned off, a pattern is substituted for the color.


To avoid this, select Print Using Color in the Print dialog box (on the File menu).


The Print Using Color option causes Microsoft Excel to not substitute patterns for colors, which causes some black and white printing devices to devices to print all colors in a solid black pattern.

When printing to a LaserWriter with LaserWriter driver 6.0 or later, you must set Print to Black & White along with turning on the Print Using Color option.

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Last Reviewed: March 21, 1999
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