Change in finance_rate Argument Doesn't Affect MIRR Result

ID: Q76359

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 2.x, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0
  • Microsoft Excel for OS/2, versions 2.2, 3.0
  • Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, versions 3.0, 4.0, 5.0


When using the MIRR function in Microsoft Excel, the value for the finance_rate argument can be changed to any value. It will not affect the result for an investment with only one change in sign for the cash flows. This is by design and is consistent with the formula for the Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR).


The MIRR function requires the following arguments:


It also requires values that have at least one change in sign. It is ideally used for investments with values with two or more changes in sign.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Type this example into a worksheet:

          A1:  -120,000
          A2:    39,000
          A3:    30,000
          A4:    21,000
          A5:    37,000
          A6:    46,000
          A7: =MIRR(A1:A6,10%,12%). 

  2. 12.61% is displayed when the cell is formatted with number format 0.00%.

  3. Now change the 10% to a different value such as 5%. The result of 12.61% will not change.

A change in the value of the finance_rate argument will only affect the result of the MIRR function for an investment with multiple changes in the signs of the cash flows.


"Online Help," version 5.0
"Function Reference," version 4.0, pages 276-277
"Function Reference," version 3.0, page 154
"Functions and Macros," version 2.1, pages 84-85

Additional query words: 2.0 2.00 2.01 2.1 2.10 2.2 2.20 2.21 3.0 4.0a 4.00a 5.0

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Last Reviewed: March 22, 1999
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