Excel: Part of Dialog Box with Trigger Items Is Erased

ID: Q79585

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, versions 3.0, 4.0, 5.0


In Microsoft Excel, if you select a custom dialog box item that is a trigger, the Macintosh system may overwrite portions of the dialog box with parts of items on the desktop. Items that may be used to overwrite portions of the dialog box include title bars of windows behind the dialog box, other applications, and portions of the dialog box that overlap the desktop region.

To avoid this behavior, make sure an Excel document completely covers the region behind the dialog box. One way to do this is to open a blank worksheet and zoom (maximize) it to its full size.

If this is being done through a macro, the FULL(TRUE) macro statement can be used to zoom the active document to its full size.


Steps to Reproduce Problem

  1. Close all open Excel documents and create a new macro sheet.

  2. Enter the following information into the macro sheet (leave columns C through F blank):

       A1: =DIALOG.BOX(B1:H3)  B1:        C1:
       A2: =IF(A1=1,GOTO(A1))  B2: 113    C2: Check box
       A3: =RETURN()           B3: 1      C3: OK 

  3. Select cell A1 in the macro sheet and from the Formula menu, choose Define Name.

  4. Type test for the name, select the Command button, then choose the OK button.

  5. Resize the current Macro sheet so that it is very small and a good percentage of the desktop is visible.

  6. From the Macro menu, choose Run, select the test macro, and choose the OK button.

  7. Click the check box. The dialog box disappears momentarily while the macro runs. This is when the Macintosh System is drawing the desktop or the other applications running in the background over the dialog box.


"Microsoft Excel User's Guide," version 3.0, pages 635-636

Additional query words: 3.0 4.00 macxl

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Last Reviewed: March 23, 1999
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