Excel Chart Colors Print Differently Under Windows 3.1

ID: Q84024

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel for Windows, versions 3.0, 4.0, 4.0a, 5.0


After installing Microsoft Windows operating environment version 3.1, colors and shading applied to charts and worksheets in Microsoft Excel may no longer look the same when printed.


When colors are mapped to color printers, different patterns of dots in the primary colors are used to represent each color variation and shade. In Windows 3.1, the patterns used to dither colors were changed slightly from those used in Windows 3.0. The net effect of the changes in color dithering is that some colors, particularly darker ones, will appear slightly different when printed under the two different versions of Windows. This is by design in Windows.

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Last Reviewed: March 24, 1999
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